Tuseday, Dec, 19,2000

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Sukki was the only girl that new who Junaku was. She was in the gym. She watched another knew looking boy walking into the gym. Her friend, Luna, asked her who was she looking at. Sukki thought, ok so he is like the boy I met yesterday. So why do I only see him? Do others see him too? The bell rang they got to first period. The new boy was behind Sukki. She didn't know that until she got pushed back. She hit him. Others seen her and started teasing. Sure she was "the most beautiful girl in school", but people teased her a lot. The new boy helped her up. "I am so sorry!" He said. His voice sounded like Junaku's. He had dark drown hair. He wore a mask. Hiding his face from people. Sukki said that it was ok and everyone stopped looking. If he is one of those boys like Junaku then why can they see him sometimes. It was confusing. Sukki go into first period. She sat down. Oddly the boy she got pushed into was in that class as well. There was multiple seats for him to choose. The teacher heard that Junaku was a knew student and the boy standing up. So she decides to put both of them beside Sukki, one on one side and one on the other. Sukki sat in the back of the class. The boys were very quiet. Junaku was already a friend so she didn't stare at him like she did. She looks at him like she does the others. A voice came from the intercom.........

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