Chip On Your Shoulder

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“Are you going to eat that?”

I grumble miserably, pushing the plate of food further away from me. I don't want to be here. This is the last place on earth that I want to be.

Dear Doc Hallet decided that Mark and I are making excellent process. You know, what with the lies we told her. We are 'growing up' and 'taking full control in our lives'. All that kind of bullshit you tell children when you want them to bounce around happily and feel like an adult. As much as I like the praise, I can't really accept it given the circumstances. Nothing that Mark told her was the truth. Apart from the fact that he cut my hair, but you know. That was still warped. So excuse me if I feel less than happy about getting false commendation.

As a combined reward for this progress, and also punishment for missing so many sessions, Dr Hallet set us a new task. The system has provided us with some money and we are required to spend the entire day in each other's company. Eating food, going on walks, all that 'friend' crap that normal people do. But we aren't normal. And I don't want to do this.

As you can imagine, I kicked up a fuss. I tried to lie and say it was to do with my social anxiety, which isn't entirely a lie. Crowds of people make me uneasy, and to spend the whole day outside the comforts of my little bubble is out of the question. But the real reason is that I don't want to spend it with Mark.

I mean, sure. He's had his moments. Helping me out with the Doc was certainly one of them. But that doesn't take away the fact that he's a man. My mortal enemy. Despite going against all of my life experiences with that kind, he's still a man. And nothing will change the fact that he could switch at any second. Turn back into that creature that wanted to end my life. Why would anyone put me into a situation like this with such a flippant thing?

“Oh come on, Alex. You need to eat something.”

I glare up at him from across the table.

“I don't eat.”

“Everyone eats. It's one of those humanly instincts that we all have.”

“Yeah, well, I don't. So stop bugging me.”

“I spent a fiver on that meal. Don't waste it.”

I wrinkle my nose in disgust at the slop in front of me. I'm not surprised at the price. It looks like a cow ate it and then spat it back out again. What on earth was he thinking when he ordered this meal? Not even a madman would eat this.

“It's not that bad. It tastes better than it looks. Just try it.”

I huff, pushing it further away. I stare out the window, ignoring his sigh. Why is he trying so hard anyway? The game is up now. We're not being watched any more. We don't have to pretend to like each other when we're alone.

“Why are you so fucking stubborn?” I hear him ask. Jesus Christ, give it a rest! “You're just skin and bones. You need to eat something.”

“I'm not hungry.”

“I call bullshit. You can't go as long as you do without feeling hungry.”

“You don't know me.”

“No. I don't. But...”

“Then I suggest you butt out.”

He doesn't argue again. Good. I needed a bit of peace and quiet. Not that I'll get any here. There's a screaming child outside, and a barking dog, and some sort of drill going off in the distance. Each sound echoes in my head, perfectly complimenting each other to the point where my head feels like it could explode. Oh God, kill me now...

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