Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

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I have to admit. When I looked at the question in my hand, I didn't really think it was that bad. I mean, it's a simple question. Surely, something so basic that you would ask a child wouldn't have that much of an effect?

But it seems I was wrong. The atmosphere in the room has completely changed. The smarmy look that was on Mark's face has long gone. He's gone a funny shade of grey, eyes all wide and holding something that I would usually call fear. But this is Mark we're talking about. He isn't capable of feeling emotion.

Danny and Glen are shifting about in their seats, looking guilty as sin as well. If men can feel guilty, that is. They keep glancing back and forth between each other and Mark. Good grief, this is pathetic. It was just a question. It's not like I accused him of murder. Although I wouldn't put it past him...

“Mark, mate,” Danny says slowly. “You don't need to answer.”


“We'll choose you a different question, man,” Glen chimes in. “Just forget it.”

“Hell no!” I snap, burning my eyes into their thick little skulls. “He answers the question.”

“Alex, seriously, drop it.”

“Oh, fuck off, you knob-end. You're just scared of winding him up.” I turn my attention to Mark. His mouth is moving, but no sound is coming out. This is fun. “Poor little Mark. Forced to play a game that makes people talk about how they feel. But it's not possible for you, is it? A stone can't bleed. A stone doesn't have emotions. A stone isn't human.”

“Alex, quit it...” I hear Glen plead, but I ignore him. Why would I give up this opportunity? He's taken every chance to wind him up. So now, it's payback time. For once, a girl will come out on top. Let's just twist the knife some more, shall we?

“I bet no one wanted you, did they?” I sneer, leaning forwards slightly. If his eyes could widen any more, they would burst out of his skull. Despite the lurching in my stomach, I'm enjoying this moment. “Who would want a tin-man? Hmm? No woman would want you. I mean look at you. You're a fucking mess. And don't start thinking you have any friends either. These two idiots are just here because they're equally as pathetic and have no other option. And I wouldn't be surprised if your parents...”

I don't get a chance to finish that sentence. In the blink of an eye, full blown rage takes over him. The veins in his neck stick out as his jaw clenches, the strain of it all causing his face to turn bright red. His eyes darken as the fury burns in them, all directed straight at me. His fists slam onto the table in front of him as he stands up with a earth-shattering roar. I barely have time to shuffle backwards before the large item of furniture is flipped over, slamming to the ground with a loud crack.

“I'll kill you!” His scream is blood-curdling as he hurls the words into my face. “I'll fucking kill you!”

I can't move as he launches towards me. Fear has completely immobilised me. I'm helpless, once again. And this time, I don't think there's any way out. I close my eyes, giving in to whatever is about to happen...

But nothing happens. No hands grab my throat. No fists hit my face. Only a warm breeze mingled with the sound of thunder.

I creak an eye open and see that he's inches away from my face. His mouth is foaming with anger as he tries to break free from Danny's grip. There's murder in his eyes. No denying that. And if Danny so much as falters, I'm a goner.

“Mark, relax!” I hear Danny yell, the strain evident in his voice. “Just calm down!”

“Let go of me!” Mark screams at him but never losing eye contact with me. “Let me at her!”

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