Chapter six

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I could barely sleep that night. How could I?

I needed to talk to Harry. Talk and apoligise.

So the next day, that's exactly what I did.

"Oh, it's you."

Dudley muttered, after he'd opened his front door. I stepped past him, shooting daggers, then made my way up to Harry's room. I went do grab for the door handle, but before I could open it, it already done so itslef. Harry stood there on the other side of the threshold. "How'd you know I was coming?"

Harry rubbed the back of his neck, frowning. "I-uh, saw you coming through the window?"

He muttered. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Listen, Tallie I-"

"No," I interrupted, "I'm sorry. I freaked out and yelled and I shouldn't have."

Harry's frown deepened "I should be saying sorry. You were right. I haven't been a very good friend."

I sighed, and he smiled awkwardly. "Are we okay?"

He asks hopefully. I chuckled, before nodding, and sliding past him. I went and sat cross legged on his small bed, Harry sitting down at the chair of his desk. I opened my mouth, ready to begin a conversation when-

"Harry," I asked, "Why is there an owl on your window sil?"

To my left, just outside the window, sat a large white owl, with parchment in its mouth.

What the hell?


Harry looked up from the ground, before his eyes widened in terror. I heard him mutter "Shoot." under his breath, then he got up, opened the window and whispered, "come through the bathroom window."

then he shooed it away.

Why was he asking an owl to meet him in his bathroom?

Harry sat back down on the chair, looking at me as  if nothing ever happened. Was he being serious? "Harry? What was that all about?"


"are you taking the mick?"

he shrugged lightly, before saying. "Hold on, gotta go to the bathroom."

He got up, but I beat him to the door, placing one arm in the way of the frame. "No secrets please."

I said, grinning. "Please Tallie I don't have ti-"

"But I'm your best friend. You know everything about me."

"I can't tell you, Tallie. I would if I could, but I can't."

For a moment, as he looked down on me, sadness flickered in his eyes. "What about the other night when you snuck out? I saw you talking to them two boys. What was that about?"


harry mumbled, looking down. "Friends from school."

"Then why were they hiding in a bush in the middle of the night?"

"I-Idon't know. Tallie please understa-"

"No, Harry. I don't understand! I don't understand why there are so many secrets. I don't like secrets. what else are you keeping from me, huh?"

I spat, looking up at him, before turning on my heel, and saying "Better go see your precious owl."

Then I left.

So much for apoligising.

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