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That is how I felt.

Completely lifeless.

I slept for the 15 minutes in the car while Rupert brought me to 'Mr.I own the world's house. The plush sofa I had been sitting on for the past 45 minutes didn't help at all.

Oh did I mention he was late?
I was here at 6:00 sharp and was he here? NO.

Mary, a kind lady probably in her mid 50's greeted me and seated me in waiting room on this amazing cloud like sofa, if he didn't make himself appear right no-

"Good morning Miss Corrigan, lovely morning isn't it!?" My drooping eyes were wide awake hearing the much awaited voice.

"Lovely morning my ass! You were supposed to be here 45 minutes back!" I scream flailing my arms in anger.

"I'd appreciate if you tone down your volume a bit Miss." He said wih a smug look.

"Look Mr. I don't care who you are. You could be the president and I won't give a flying fuck. But when you're in my ring, under my supervision for the training I want you to respect me." Yes I was lazy, yes I hated physical activity but there is nothing I take more serious than my job.

My rant seemed to have wiped off the smug face from his face and he seemed to have gotten a bit more serious.

"I apologize, it won't happen again, now if you'd follow me, I'll take you to the gym"

Wih that said he turned around and walked out of the room. I let out a deep breath and calmed down my nerves.

Well, that went well.

As I followed him, I noticed the huge walls covered with beautiful paintings and murals. this house was huge. Wait, it wasn't even a house it was a mansion. It had an antique side to it with all the modern appliances. It was everything one would want to live in.

The gym had all the necessary equipments and also a makeshift ring in the centre.

"Okay, so maybe you're my boss outside this room but in here, you listen to me. Are we clear?" I told him looking straight into his electrifying blue eyes.

"Yeah whatever, can we start?" He wasn't looking at me as he spoke his eyes were fixed on the ring with an expression I couldn't quite decipher.

Nodding my head, I asked him to warm up as I did the same. He started with the treadmill as I headed for some cardio. While spreading the carpet for my stretching I took in his appearance for the first time today. He looked completely opposite of how I remember him from yesterday.

He had a white muscle tee on with basket ball shorts and Nike shoes.

Looks even more edible today.

To be honest I don't even understand why my inner Everly is this horny.

Well, if you would have been getting some action I might just not be this horny.

Woah, okay bitch. Go away.

Shaking my head a little I focused on stretching my limbs to avoid any muscle pull later on.

I stood up from my mat and walked towards Mr I own the world , who was still on the treadmill.

"Mr Davi-" 

"You can call me Reagan"

"Oh well..Reagan, I want you to stretch your upper body for a while and then we'll move further."

Without uttering a word to me he moved towards the mat I was previously on and started doing basic stretching exercises.

Wondering what I was doing? Well, I was sitting on the cycle which was stationed directly behind him and admired his toned body and flexing muscles.

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