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"Ace, Reagan Ace is what people call him, he was the chapions of the champion, there would be a chant of Ace's name as soon as he would step into the stadium, sadly he disappeared 6 months ago, before you ask, I don't know the reason." Charlie carried on with his speech as I played with his paper weight

"Are you listening Everly?" He snapped noticing my lack of attention.

"Yups, everything" I said adjusting my position.

"Listen, Everly I want him back in shape, I don't care how you do it. He was my number one fighter and I want that fighter back. You get me my Ace in next 6 months and I'll pay half of your sister's medical bill"

My focus was solely on Charlie trying to find any trace of lies in his words, "Fine Charlie, I'll do it."

"You can leave Everly, he will be back next monday, he'll have some conditions we'll have to follow and I expect you to be on your best behaviour whenever you're around him." The stern gaze would have made anybody cower but not me, I gave him a slight nod and walked out of the door.

"Hey Charlie?" I asked entering back into his office
"What now?" Charlie asks clearly irritated.

"Why do I feel like I've heard his name before, like not in underground but somewhere else?"

"Ofcourse you have dumbass, he is Reagan Davis, the billionaire"

"But didn't you say his name was Reagan Ace?" I ask my mouth a bit ahar from the latest information I just gathered.

"Honey, his name is Reagan, Ace is the name by which he fights, but for the public he is Reagan Davis the multimillionaire. No more questions get lost now"

I walked back trying to fathom every detail of my past conversation with my boss.
List in my thoughts I didn't notice Sam walking towards me,"Everly, I have been looking everywhere for you"

"What do you want Samuel?" I knew calling him his full name ticked him off, and it wasn't like I was wanting his company right now.

He groaned, "don't call me that Everly, where were you?"

"I was wih the boss"

"Why? any problems?"

Urgh, can you go

"No, just telling me about the new fighter"

"Oh, who is it?"

Go away

"Some guy, Ace."

"OMG ACE! he is coming back? You mean THE Ace?"

His excitement made me want to murder him with a chainsaw and feed his body parts to vultures.

"Yeah him"

Couldn't he see, I wasn't interested in talking to him.

"Oh my god, you have to make him meet me. I am his fan. You're going to love training him"


"Right, oh look, there is Rick, I think he's calling me. Bye Samuel, see you later."

"But Rick has an off..."

Before he could finish I was out of there, Sam was the receptionist and had had a crush on me since forever, he wouldn't even give up even though I have turned him down a million times.

I walked towards the girls locker room and collected all of my stuff, I refilled my water bottle and changed out of my shoes putting on my slip on vans, I zipped up my hoodie, and walked out.

It had been six years since I had been working at Charlie's fighting club, and nine since I was first introduced to underground fighting. Charlie was like second father to me, Ron, my brother was the first one to bring me here and ever since then this is a place I like calling home.

I got on to the bus and consumed the last seat near the window, popping in my headphones and playing roses by the chainsmokers, I opened Google and looked for...drumroll.. Reagan Davis.

Reagan Davis, 25 year old american, owner of the Davis Corps, is one of the most eligible billionaire bachelor with the net worth of $56 billion.
Owning almost half of the world, Reagan took over the business world by a storm at the age of 20, with a degree from Harvard in business and management. He took over the business after his father's death. Reagan is also termed as the playboy, with a new girl every other day on his arm, his charming looks does all the right things to the female population, and some of the male too.
Rumors have also been known that he is involved with some of the illegal activities but there is no such proof for this information.

I switched off Google and sighed, typical billionaire, but involved in underground business?

Usually when people associate themselves with illegal fighting it is either for letting out their anger, or earning money. I don't think he is any short of money, so maybe it is the anger. This guy sure makes me curious.

I exited the bus and walked towards my building entering the lift I pressed my floor and ignored the stupid ass elevator music. Why does it even exist?

Opening the door to my room, I was welcomed with darkness, switching on the lights I took in the empty looking apartment. It wasn't anything much.
The apartment, consisted of 2 rooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and a drawing room.

The drawing room consisted of a sofa set and a television in the front, the room was lacking its homey feeling , there were no picture frames, statues or what so ever. The kitchen consisted of all necessities and nothing more.

The bedroom though, was somewhat different. As plain as all the other room s were my bedroom was the most decorated with one walls full of pictures and no, I'm not exaggerating.

The wall was somewhat my memory wall it had almost all sort of pictures, a lazy grin took over my features as I looked at my room, the queen sized bed was put in front of one of the walls, and the memory wall was on its right, the left side wall had a joining balcony that over looked the busy streets of New York.

I sighed and closed the sliding doors and jumped on my bed. I welcomed the tiredness of the days work, my muscles were aching with today's workout.

I shut off the bed lamp and closed my eyes.

Tomorrow was going to be fun, well I hope so.


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