Chapter 7.

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A/N: I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have read this story so far. It means so much to me and I love you all. :)

Just a quick note: in case you hadn't noticed, this story is becoming slightly darker. There will be some themes that others may find uncomfortable, and I apologise for that. 

Thank you again for staying with me through this, and I can't tell you how much I apprieciate your support. xoxoxo


“I’m bringing him round to meet you,” Becca gushes from her end of the phone and Amy rolls her eyes.

“Must you?” she says. She knows that her words will probably hurt the other girl, but all of Becca’s potential partners always seem to fall short of her expectations.

Somewhere along the line, an unwritten rule has been written- if Amy and James disapprove, then whoever he is, whatever he’s like, then he goes. He could be wealthy or poor, beautiful or hideous, it wouldn’t matter; Amabelle’s word is law. Becca knows that it isn’t fair on herself and that she shouldn’t allow her friend to dictate her life in such a way, but they are her closest friends, like family to her and she tells herself that her choices impact them all.

So when she informs Amy of her newest lover, Amy finds it hard to be impressed. In fact, she lets her lip curl and her eyes narrow and says,

“Fine. Bring him to dinner.”


“Ouch you little bitch!”

James rubs his head pitifully and stares at the potato that has just bounced rather satisfyingly off his scalp and is now rolling around the floor. He’s going to have a bruise there, he can feel it already and he makes a mental note that he probably should have made years ago not to leave Amy alone with anything that can be used as (or has the potential to be used as) a weapon. Apparently this includes raw vegetables- who’d have thought?

“James Thomas, I have just cleaned that table! Now you can either help us or bugger off to read your porn elsewhere.”

James splutters as Oliver turns around hurriedly to hide the snigger that is threatening to escape. He picks up a chopping knife and hacks at a large red pepper, just as James says,

“It’s Top Gear Amy. Not that I would expect you to understand the beauty that is this car.” He flips the magazine round and Amy stares at it with raised eyebrows.

“There is nothing beautiful about a lump of shiny metal.”

James’s eyes widen as he double takes- looking from the picture of the car, to his friend, and then back again.

“You did not just insult this car,” he says.

“James, if you want to make love to the car, then please go away and lock yourself in your room or something. Oliver and I have to get on because Becca will be here any minute now.”

James scowls before tossing his magazine out of the open kitchen door, ignoring the mirror look that is being thrown his way. He then looks innocently at Amy and says,

“So this Tom guy... what’s he like?”

Amy shrugs.

“Never met him. Apparently he’s a looker but can be a bit up himself... you know, speaking before he thinks, that kind of thing.”

James purses his lips and nods seriously.

“I bet he’s a real wanker. Anyone with Thomas in their name has to be.”

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