I couldn't do it...

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Chat's P.O.V.

    This is crazy.
Oh my god this is crazy!!!
Ladybug is Marinette!
Marinette is ladybug!

I can't believe I didn't find this out sooner... I've never felt strongly for a girl before and then suddenly these 'two' women walk into my life and POOF I'm in love with the both of them....
I feel like subconsciously I must have known

She seems sad though... she's scared about me knowing... but why?

Instantly I make my way over to Marinette's bakery. I tap on the window impatiently

".... go away chat"

Great start

"Marinette please open up! Why are you running away from me?"

"Just go away chat..."

"my lady-"




I leave,  because I have the fear of her not liking me... so I don't want to push her...


Sure enough I see her at school the next day... I see how conflicted she looks and it kills me... she just walks past me without a clue... without a clue that I'm chat noir...

Later on that night I tried to talk to her again

It didn't work

She kept pushing me away

And this went on for a month.....
A month of not seeing her was tearing me apart.... has she just pushed me aside? Will I be nothing but a memory? Has Paris's heroes left?

I sit on the Eiffel Tower looking out at the glowing city... It's beautiful out there....
I can't help but feel lonely though..

My mood started to effect not just chat but Adrien...
The boy who was a perfect kid who models and is filthy rich... suddenly pushed everyone away..

Yes I know it's stupid, that I push people away when I need them the most....

But I can't help it

Ladybug.... Marinette... has left me... suddenly I no longer serve a purpose...

I am not a hero anymore I'm just a kid running away from home, I'm not a good friend because I push friends away, I'm no lover for I clearly have no experience when it comes to it.....

What made me who I am... has left...
So who am I now?

No one.

I feel cold tears stream down my cheeks as the ice cold winds blows around the beautiful tower.

I need to make things right...
This won't end like this.
My lady!
I'm going to show you that I love you
No matter what it takes....

Next day at school I see My Princess. She's doing okay, certainly putting on a fine act.
Yes act.
I know my lady and I can tell when she's faking it. And she's been doing it for a full month now

I nervously watch her throughout the day, because I know what I'm about to do...
And it's going to happen, no second thoughts.

The school bell rings and sure enough the day is over.
Quickly I walk outside the school to wait for Marinette.
I see her. I see her looking beautiful and laughing with her friends..... I get a bit star struck from it... but I quickly walk towards her

"Marinette! Can I talk to you?"

She flushes slightly and looks at Ayla, Ayla shoos her away and she nods as she follows me to a more private area of the courtyard

I see her with her beautiful questioning eyes. The breathe gets taken from me... I haven't been this close to her in a while

"Marinette I need to tell you something... and I should have told you sooner.... uhm.."


I need to do this

"Mari ... I..."

I have to do this

"You see... I'm... I am.."

Come on I can do this

"Adrien is everything okay?"
I look straight at her... her unknowing face...

"I'm in love with you"

.... I couldn't do it ....

Her face goes red and she covers her mouth
"You-.... your?!-"

I nod my head
"Yes... please go on a date with me"

She smiles and laughs joyfully
"Of course! I'd love to!"

Did she never like chat?
Did she like Adrien?
I feel joy swirl in me- but also a huge bitter feeling lies

I don't like it at all.
She skips off to tell Ayla...

"And also im chat noir...."
I mumble to Marinette.... who isn't even there anymore....

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