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Chat's P.O.V.

I race down the hallway, going to the nearest restroom. It isolated inside.
I slam the door shut while panting with beads of sweat from not the running, but the scared feeling inside of me

I lock the door and pace back and forth. I slam my hands on the sink and look at myself in the mirror. It's Adrien

"Ooooh crap- plagg!?"

Plagg comes into sight
"Smooth move Adrien"

"What if she knows?!??"

"You did call her princess.."

"AND SHE CALLED ME CHAT! I don't know what to do!"

I groan in frustration while my heart beat goes insane

"Okay she sounded confused! Maybe it just slipped out of her mouth. Just act like everything is normal and it will convince her that it is"

I nod my head,
"Yeah... Yeah okay I can do that.. Your right!"

"I know"

I splash my face a bit before inhaling deeply. It's fine! Just act normal and she'll never know...

I make my way down to the lunch room- acting as if nothing ever happened

And it was surprisingly easy for about a week... Marinette ended up dropping it and she didn't act suspicious.

I was doing good!


"Hey Nino- if you have a crush on someone.. What would you do?"

"Honestly no idea"

"That helps, thanks" I say sarcastically

He laughs
"Okay what's up"

"Well... I like this girl and... I was just wondering if you knew anything?... I mean..,"
I lean in and whisper
"It's pretty obvious you like Alya sooo"

He jumps slightly and flushes. He sighs and laughs

"Okay instead of arguing I'll give you my perspective- like you know, the wise person I am,"
I roll my eyes
"Just be you around her. Seriously just act like you! You don't want the girl to like you just for one side of you right?? Give her ALL THE DAMN SIDES, ya know? You would want her to fall for you for knowing you all the way around.. Right?"

I started thinking about it... Yeah... He was right... Adrien isn't really who I am... At all

"Yeah.. Thanks Nino..."

I went home that night and thought about what plagg said about a week ago

"Just act like everything is normal and it will convince her that it is"

Then I thoughts some more...

Is that really what I want?
I realize ladybug wants our identity hidden...
But I'm in love with Marinette....
And I kind of want her... To like Adrien too... Not for his model, perfect, fake self...
But for my normal playful flirty attitude..
That's me... That's not Adrien

But that's me...

I won't tell her
'Heyyy I'm chat noir'

I'll just act like myself around her....
I won't necessarily flirt as Adrien... But I won't not send a little something here and there..

So.... It settled then...
Marinette... Meet Adrien Agreste...


I wake up on a Saturday Morning. I have been myself a whole lot more recently. I still visit Marinette as Chat. But I've also been being a subtle chat while being Adrien.... If that even makes sense?

I then remember what ladybug said...

'Chat, meet me on the Eiffel Tower. I want to discuss something'

Not gonna lie... That kinda scares me...
But I'm still going

"Plagg. Claws out"

I rush out through my window and jump from rooftop to rooftop to meet my lady at Paris's hottest spot...

I see her sitting on the tower and I land. K stride up to her

"Bonjour, my lady!"
I bow

She rolls her eyes and stand up,
"Bonjour, silly kitty"

I give her a cheeky smile. She smiles back. But then it fades.
Mine does too...

What's happening?...

"Chat.... I... "

I tilt my head

"Chat... I ... God why is this so hard to say...?"

Her face is flushed

I have an idea of what she's about to say,.

But... There's no way.. Right?


My eyes widen as I stare at her flushed scrunched up face...

"Ladybug ... I..."

She bites her lip
"You feel the same.... Right?"

I feel a dreadful feeling.... I still like her... But...

Marinette is the Main thing on my mind

"Ladybug I..... I'm .... I'm sorry..."

Her eyes widen and her eyes shoot up to lock with mine


"I really do like you... You know... More than friends type of like..... But... I love someone else"

Her face falls- but the a spark of confusion and curiosity comes to play on it...

"Do you.... Do you really like her that much?"

I was beyond confused... She didn't seem hurt at all anymore...

"Uhm... Yes??"

She nodded her head and turned around

"Okay.... See you later chat!!"

I'm left completely confused and guilty..

Did I hurt her??? She seemed hurt at first but then she seemed fine????? I don't understand?

Is she okay???
I still care deeply for her!
But I can't enter a relationship with her if I know there is someone who outshines her... I respect her too much....

Why is there so much confusion??? I don't understand....

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