Doing Chores Part One - S.T.A.R. Labs Imagines

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Strap in, Flashlings. This is a long'n.

Barry Allen

"You do realize I could finish this in, like, three seconds, right?" Barry asks you over his shoulder.

"And let you break them all?"

"I'm fast, not hasty. There's a difference," he said.

You press a butter knife to his bicep in as menacing a way as you can muster. "We are doing our dishes the normal way, Barry Allen. Together, after our meal, at a normal speed."

Barry rolls his head back. "But why?"

"Because I said so, that's why. You dry." You begin scrubbing out a bowl.

"Fine, but I don't understand it."

You smile to yourself. Even the Flash ought to do a healthy amount of chores in a day.

Caitlin Snow

Caitlin stands, ankle-deep in scummy water. She strikes a strange sight: the poised, articulate scientist standing amid the overflow of a crapper.

You throw back your head in laughter.

"What?" Caitlin asks, looking a little irritated. You stop laughing; she IS armed with a plunger.

"Nothing, nothing. Just... you."

"Me?" Caitlin asks. She arches an eyebrow stiffly.

You wade across the bathroom, put your hands on her waist, then kiss her firmly.

"Caitlin, you're a masterpiece," you say, taking the plunger.

A blush and a small smile settle on her face as you both go forth to conquer the plumbing.

Cisco Ramon

"Will you shut up?!" Cisco yells.

"I don't think that smacking it with the mop handle is doing anything," you say helpfully.

Cisco looks down at you from where he stands on top of a desk, giving you a flat look. "Gee, I didn't notice by the sound of ALARMS BLARING IN MY EARS."

"Mister Ramone!" Harrison yells from the hallways. "Will you please-"

"We're working on it!" you call, joining Cisco on the desk. "Did you try-"

"I checked the Programming on the computer, I checked the wiring in the alarm system, I checked everything! I don't know why it's gone haywire!"

"Well... this is the main alarm?"

"Yeah, all the other-"

"Mr. Ramon!"

"I'm working on it, Harry!"

You reach up and flip open a small compartment, then yank out the batteries, letting them clatter to the desk. Silence falls.

"Thank you," Harrison says.

Cisco looks at you.

"It's only a temporary fix of course," you say.

"I freaking love you," he says, before kissing you briskly.

Eddie Thawne

You come through the door, surprised at the silence in the house. Eddie usually takes much longer to vacuum. You walk into the living room, impressed.

Then you're a little less impressed.

"What the heck..."

The entire room seems to be covered in grey dust. The couch, the carpet, the footstools. In the middle of it all is Eddie with an open vacuum beside him.

"Oh, uh... hey, babe," Eddie says. His eyes scan the mess, not quite meeting yours.

"What in the world happened in here?" you ask, stepping forward.

"Well...." He sighs before going on. "I accidentally sucked up something I was going to give you, and I was trying to find it, but it's just sort of... everywhere now." He runs a hand through his close-cropped hair, leaving streaks of grey in the blonde.

You march over and flip the vacuum upside down. Caught in the bristles beneath is a ring, glittering despite the dust.

Eddie's face lights up. "You found it!"

With a laugh, you slip it on. "Thank you, Eddie."

"It's for our anniversary," he says with a grin. "It's a day early. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," you say with another laugh before kissing him. Then you pull back, making a face at the taste. "Right... let's clean this up."

Eobard Thawne

Eobard Thawne doesn't do chores. That is, until you dragged him to your house and made him live like a mere mortal for a while.

"This is pointless," he tells you, a duster in hand.

"It's adulthood."

"Hire someone whose full job is this sort of thing."

"Can't afford it."

"I'm doing a terrible job."

"Yes you are. Dust."

Harrison Wells

Harrison wasn't exactly a neat-freak, but neither was he a messy person. His lab remained a respectable mix of scientifically cluttered and professionally clean.

That is, until he becomes absorbed in a project.

Slowly, the dust levels rise, the clutter turn into a Great Wall of Science, and Harrison himself turns into a sort of mess.

"That is it," you declare, setting down the coffee so harshly that a screw jumps to the floor. "You have been slaving over this for two weeks and this lab is a mess!"

Harrison looks at you from behind his plexiglass board of formulas, frowning between the white squiggles.


"And we're cleaning it." You grasp the edge of the board and roll it away, then snatch up any mostly-completed products and set them aside. Then you drag Wells into attacking the room, armed with rags and organizational boxes.

Harrison never failed to complain at every task about his neglected research, but you could swear–with no small amount of satisfaction–he worked faster once the room was cleaned up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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