Their Favorite Part of Christmas

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Barry Allen

Nothing is more important to Barry than your annual gift exchange. His present for you is always meaningful, and you try your best to keep up, even if it means agonizing over the best gift even with 365 days to go until the next Christmas. 

Caitlin Snow

Caitlin has a secret adoration of apple cider. Every year, you make the most delicious apple cider you can just for her. She always has a few spice additions to make, however. 

Cisco Ramone

Cisco has the coolest freaking Christmas tree ornaments ever. So with your dubstep Deck The Halls blasting away, you trim the tree with all manner of epic nerdom. 

Eddie Thawne

Your favorite thing about Christmas is the child-like way Eddie's face lights up whenever he sees the Christmas lights around the neighborhood. He pretends it's not a big deal, but he secretly loves it when you drive around the neighborhood(s) at least once a week to see all the decorations. 

Eobard Thawne

Eobard insists that Christmas is a waste of time and energy, but even he can't resist your Christmas cookies. It's your resolution every Christmas to see if you can get him to put on a Santa hat at least once. 

Harrison Wells

You guys use red and green markers instead of white around the holidays, and sometimes you bring in coffee with a Christmas twist. 

You two aren't very good at holidays. 

Henry Allen

Henry loves cooking. He claims it's because he hasn't had a decent Christmas meal in a very long time. You'd help out, but you're really more of a hindrance in the kitchen. And it always turns out delicious. 

Hunter Zolomon

Hunter's favorite part of Christmas is by far getting to curl up with you on the couch in front of a fireplace. Granted, it's not always your fireplace, but it's always cozy. 

Iris West

Iris adores her secrets. She'll tease you all winter long about what she's gotten you, about where you're going tonight, about the Christmas cookies that are always bountiful at the CCPD...

Joe West

Joe loves watching the same Christmas comedies every year. Home Alone, Elf, Christmas with the Kranks, and A Christmas Story, just to name a few. 

Wally West

Wally loves Christmas music. You have yet to find a song that he doesn't know the words to. He'll blast it in the car, at home, or just start singing along while you're out shopping.

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