A Typical Phone Call

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Barry Allen

"Oh, uh, hey babe," Barry said. 

You'd called him to gently remind the fastest man alive that he was late for your evening out. 

"Hi, Barry," you said, your smile audible in your voice.

"Whaaat is up?" Something on the other end of the phone sounded like the sort of catastrophe he tended to naturally attract. 

"If you aren't terribly busy, I've got a table at the De la Crème," you said, a hint of playful passive-aggressiveness evident. 

"Oh no," Barry said. There was a far off yell coming from the speaker, followed by the sounds of crunching metal. "I'll be there..." 

"In a Flash?" you offer. 

An explosion, yell, and crackle of electricity later, Barry Allen is beside you. 

"Eh, you could say that."

Caitlin Snow

"Hi!" says Caitlin, answering your call.

"Heey..." you answer. "Quick question, Cait."

"Shoot," she says. You can hear her heels clicking as she walks around S.T.A.R. Labs, busy as ever.

"How does one deal with a possible concussion?"

"Well, you want to make sure there's no other damage a- why do you want to know how to deal with a possible concussion?"

"You know what, I'll WebIMD it! Thanks, sweetie!"

"Wait, why do yo-"

You hastily end the call. You know you'll get looked over once you get back to S.T.A.R. Labs anyways, but no need to worry her prematurely, right?

Cisco Ramone 

Your phone suddenly starts blaring the theme song of your favorite TV show. You answer, Cisco's face popping up on the screen. 

"Hey, babe. What's up?" 

"Green or blue lightsaber?" 


"...no. Definitely blue," he says. You grin. 

"Why do you ask?"

"Barry needs a lazer to take down this Meta, and, uh, if I'm gonna make a lazer, it's gonna be bomb-diggity."

You hear Well's voice say nearby, "Or you could spend more time making it, Ramone." 

You laugh. "Catch you later, Cisco."

"See ya! I'm so making blue..."

Eddie Thawne 

"Hi, babe," says Eddie.

"Howdy, stranger," you reply. 

"Hey, have you seen Barry?" he asks. "Joe and I need some things analyzed, but he hasn't been-"

You hold your phone away from your ear, cutting him long enough to wave at Barry madly, mouthing "CCPD" at him. He put a hand to his forehead, as though just remembering something he'd forgotten, then vanished in a streak of lightning. 

"-I'd just wondered if you'd seen him."

"Uh, no. Not today," you say. "But I'm sure he's just late. You know Barry!" 

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