Chapter 20

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-Where is my daughter?!Where am I?! let me go!!
I screamed at her.

-hehehehhe~ but first you need to tell me where is you're powers~ then I'll answer you question~

Butterfly Y/l~ hehehehehhe~

-I'll never tell you! You monster!!
I yelled.

Her twisted smile turn into a frown.

-then you will never have an answer...
She said and close the metal door.

Please be safe my sweets...

I miss you so much ....

I thought and my eyes began to water.

I look at my side and saw my dragon her head was on my lap.

-Don't worry girl...She will be safe..
I said and patted her purple scales

She purred and close her dark purple eyes.

I hope...


-*achoo* who the hell is talking about me?
I ask out loud.

Jane and Ann look at me with a questionable look.

I ask them.

They just shook there head and look at the t.v screen.

We were watching (Adventure time/amezing world of gumbal/candle cove/dead pool/Steven universe's/ supernatural/ or any kind of shows that you watch)

Lazari and sally was already sleeping..on the floor.

Sadie was floating in mid air enjoying the show, Jane and Ann are about to fall asleep.

And last me... Just sitting here drinking my delicious (Ginger ale/Pepsi/coca cola/mountian dew/ or any kind of drinks).

Soon enough everyone fell asleep. So I close the t.v and put my drink on the glass table.

And sleep on the couch.

==next morning==

Ahh its already morning what a beautif- NOT!

I hate mornings it always ruined the sleep that we killers have.

And the worse thing is.............BEING HIT IN THE FACE BY THE SUNLIGHT!

I groan and slowly open my eyes and saw that the living room window was open and it was directly at me.

I wish it was still night tho! Thanks a lot sonic!
I yelled in my head.

-Morning mommy!! Hahahahaha

I look at the right and saw the little girl.

-Ummm mo-morning t-to!
I said.....god! My voice broke....

Wait...when did she-
My thoughts was interrupted by Jane screaming.

Jane yelled.

Why Did This Happened? ( CP X Reader ) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now