Chapter 11

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Hey im back X3.

This is gonna be short.


As we landed from the very long ride, I got up and landed on the hot ground.

-You 3 stay on dragons, And follow me.
I said and strated walking on the hot ground.

We wen't to a mountain to look for a dragon........then all of a sudden a purple huge dragon came out of nowhere.

This one is a female, And I think she is hurt.
I thought and look at her eye, the right eye was bleeding.


I look at the dragon in front of mom, My dragon roar at it.

But mom look at me, and told us To go down the mountain.

We flew down and look at the dragon and then mom.

Mom got this, please don't take her away from us....
I thought almost gonna tear up.

Sally notice this and look at me.

-Its okay mom got this.......she always got this...
She said and look up at mom on top of the mountain.

I hope....

And look down


The dragon look at me and roar.

I step back then forward, I put my hands down and look at her.

I step back then forward, I put my hands down and look at her

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And her horn were very sharp, same goes for her wings.

-Its okay......I won't hurt you.......I just want to take care of your wounds.
I said.

She look at me with joyfull eyes, I smiled and touch her face.

She close her other eye and open them again and look at me.

-I'll call that okay?
I ask.

-Do you want to have a new home then?
I ask

She nod and her tail was swaying (I hope I got that right) back and fort.

-Can i ride you back to your new home?

She nodded I smiled and jump at her back.

She was adjusting herself cause she was uncomfortable, Then 5 second later she was ready to fly.

We flew down the mountain and look at the my 3 daughters

Jane have a sad and happy smile, and lazuri looks like she was crying, and thats why commision was was hugging her.

I smiled, and told them it was time to go home.

--cp mansion--

No ones:

As sonic have problems to get some sleep, and well....... All the Boys have the same problems.

While the girls are angry, cause there attention was on Y/n, Not them anymore.

(Okay the ones that hate you is
1 nina the bitch
2 clock fucker
3 judge black blond ugly fucker face
4 well every girl hate you, except for nurse ann, Nightmare ally, and suicide sadie.)

While the boy.

Radio face:Uggghhhh WHY CAN'T I GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!

(OKAY every boys thought)

(Slender is not in love with you)


I Suck at writing ('-3-)

Bye stupid pie's

Fun fact; Im at school 2:36 P.m here>:'(

Well bai bai >:3


Oh my Zalgoooo!! hahahhahahhahahahahhahahha

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Oh my Zalgoooo!! hahahhahahhahahahahhahahha

Im gonna change my background pic!

Im gonna die of laughter!


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