F I V E - G A T H E R I N G

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There is a crack in everything. That's how light gets in.

~Leonard Cohen

             F I V E
                                  G A T H E R I N G

It was just like when you're over a friend's house. You wake up, look around, panic because you wonder if you were kidnapped or not. Then you remember you were at their house. The same feeling overcame me when the curtains suddenly opened. While I rubbed my eyes, I really wished that I could stay in bed but, not out of laziness.  

"Lady Aviana," I could tell who it was by the monotonous, feminine voice. "It's time to wake up."

"Today you're having breakfast with the Royal Family," Rosaline stated. "Now get up and get ready. We can't be late for this. It'll be the first breakfast you're having with important people."

Important people, I thought. It'll be filled with the ones who have power, huh. Thinking about it made my stomach ache.

Rosaline must've realized how I felt because she was beside me in a split second with her hand on my shoulder.
"Lady Aviana, are you not feeling well?"

I shook my head. Rosaline folded her lips before saying, "Lady Aviana, I know you're anxious but it's not something you can't do. You can go in there without feeling nervous but confident. It's nothing to worry about, really and truly."

"Thank you Rosaline," I said genuinely, looking up at her for the first today.

"I did nothing," Rosaline said as she helped me get out of bed. "Now, go ahead and take a shower. You can't take your time though."

"Okay," I said quietly. After I entered the bathroom, I slipped into the bathtub after filling it up with water.

"You can forget about him because you'll never see him again." How does he possibly think I can forget about my first love? The feelings for your first love never leave whether you want it to or not. I wonder if he knew that?

"None of us will allow you to. Especially me. I can promise you that." He'll never let me see Eli again. Even if I go on my knees. None of them will.

"Lady Aviana..." I heard a knock on the door. Oh gosh, how long have I been thinking? I quickly stood up and got out the tub. While wrapping the towel I grabbed, I rushed into the bedroom.

"How much time do I have?" I asked quickly.

"Ten minutes the least," Rosaline stated after she glanced at her watch. "You don't have to search for any clothes. Ms. Ingrid and Ms. Fawn had already picked out clothes for you. They had to help with the maids to prepare breakfast."

"Ah.. I better get ready then." Rosaline nodded and proceeded to leave.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about applying makeup either, you don't really need it," she went out the door before I could reply to her.

Since I had no time to do anything special with my hair, I went with a ponytail then placed a necklace around my neck and drop-earrings in my earlobes. I slipped into the clothes that were laid on the bed for me — which was a cream jumpsuit and white heels on the floor — then I put on the heels. I sprayed on a little perfume then rushed outside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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