Chapter 22:Random One Shot

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"So tonight for sure right?"Riley asks me as we walk out of school together.

"For sure I mean it is what everyone wants to see.Romeo and Juliet is just a favourite"

She lets out a giggle and she gets into the passenger seat in my car.

"Where are we going?"she asks me as I start driving the other way.

"Maya's house.You told me she's sick so I wanna see if my girlfriend is okay"

"You two are goals"Riley cooed.

"You and Farkle are second"

"Yeah I know"

We share a laugh and talk until we arrive at Maya's house.I park the car and we both rush out and ring Maya's doorbell impatiently.The door knob turns and we see Maya with a blanket wrapped around her and her face pale.She coughs and sniffles before looking up.

"Hey guys.What are you doing here?"she says aѕ she coughs again.

Her voice sounds different but it's still low.She's losing her voice and she's shivering.I put my arm around her and walk inside with Riley following behind us.We sit on the couch and she cuddles into my chest and is curled up in a little ball as my arm is around her shoulder and one around her waist to keep her warm.

"Aww peaches"Riley sadly says as she rubs her hand up and down Maya's back.

I decide not to tell her about Rileys and I's rehearsal because she might get the wrong idea.We stay for 2 more hours and Maya eventually falls asleep.I carry her bridal style to her room and put the blanket over her and adjust the pillow to make her comfortable.I lean forward and kiss her forehead.

"Feel better princess"I say as Riley and I leave out the door.

Maya's P.O.V
I wake up on my bed and shiver as I feel the coldness.I get up to make myself some hot chocolate and realize that Lucas left his phone in the living room.

"He must be worried right now"I say to myself.

I make my hot chocolate and change into sweatpants and a large sweater.I leave my hair down and grab Lucas' phone,my keys and get in my car.I cough and sniffle and sneeze and my throat is killing me.Luckily my sweater is kind of keeping me warm.

Lucas' House
{Maya's P.O.V}
I park my car and step out.It's a rainy day today and I forgot to bring an umbrella.Before I ring his doorbell I hear something that I wish I didn't.

"That was amazing Riley!"

"Thanks.But lets promise to not tell Maya any of this"

"That's a promise I'm not going to break"

I feel my heart shatter into millions of pieces and I hold my tears in.I ring the doorbell and Lucas opens it.

"Oh hey Maya.What are you doing here you're sick!"he exclaims as he drags me inside and shuts the door.

"Here's your phone.You left it at my house before you rushed here to cheat on me with Riley!"

His face forms a frown and Riley comes up to us with a shocked face.

"Maya! Lucas and I weren't doing anything like that!"she exclaims.

I roll my eyes at them in annoyance.

"Thanks.But lets promise to not tell Maya any of this.That's a promise I'm not going to break.That is what both of you said"I angrily say.

"Maya that's for something else"

"Ok then tell me what it is"

My headache gets worst from shouting too much that I have to put my hand over it hoping it'll feel better.

"Maya what's wrong?"

"Nothing huckleberry now give me an explanation or else I'll leave"

They both sigh at the same time and look directly at me.

"You know that Romeo and Juliet play we auditioned for?"Lucas asks me.

"Yeah of course I do"

"Well they put up the sign today of who made it"

"And"I say directing for him to continue.

"Riley got the part as Juliet and I got the part as Romeo.They told us to practice and that we better be amazing for practice tomorrow"

"So I came over.We didn't want you finding out because we don't want you to be upset,mostly right now cause you're sick"Riley butts in.

I let out a sigh of relief.


"Forgive me now?"

"You didn't do anything wrong.I did,thinking that you two would ever do anything like that behind my back.I'm sorry for not trusting you guys"I look down embarrassed.

"Hey hey hey.Don't be sorry"Lucas says as he lifts my head up.

He was about to kiss me when I step back.

"Not today.I'm sick remember? But anyways I better get going now.I need some rest"

I was about to walk out when he turns me around.

"Please stay here.Shawn and your mom aren't even home.You said they were going sight seeing right?"

"Right."I respond.

"Then stay at Lucas' house Maya until your parents are back.You can see us rehearse whenever I come"

I hesitate for a moment but then nod with a smile.

"I guess"

They both happily scream like little kids who just got a very big pack of candy.

"I have to get some of my clothes though"

"We'll drive there tonight.Now you and Riley talk while I make us some food and get you some medicine"Lucas says as he walks to the kitchen.

The rest of the day was amazing.Riley also spent the night cause she wants to be with me until I feel better.I love these guys so much.

Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while.Sorry sorry sorry!! But hope u liked this one shot!!

P.S not even joking this was such a random one shot.As u can probably tell from the title.



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