Chapter 28

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Zach isn't Home and Jordan's in the bath(She's taking a bubble bath). I get her Dressed and Tucked her In and kissed her forehead "Mommy where's

Daddy?" Jordan said I smiled "Daddy's coming back soon he's at work" I said And she smiled...she's just the cutest thing I have ever Seen. Some

One knocked on The door so I went for it and it was Zach "Shhhh let's surprise her" I said and he agreed. I told him to hide behind the wall and he did. "Guess

Who's here baby" I said to Jordan and She Jumped out her bed And ran to me She nearly fell to the ground "BOO"

Zach said and she jumped but Then she hugged him and he picked her Up and Kissed her cheek. I watched him play and tickle her all night. I just loved

Watching them together the way he looked at her I could tell he loves her. He put His pajamas On and he Carried her downstairs to watch Tv.  He was

Cuddling her While watching Tv it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. They Fell Asleep so I turned the Tv off and I kissed both of them on their Foreheads

And I went back upstairs, then fell asleep....

I woke up and I checked my watch, it's 7am and it's also Jordan's First day of School and I'm a little Scared. I kissed her cheek, "Wake up baby it's time for

School" I said and she did. Ariel got her Showered and ready she looked so cute in her uniform. We put her in the car seat and we drove to her Elementary

School. We got out the Car and their it was...the door to Hell...."Daddy I'm Scared" she said my heart broke "Don't Be scared baby school is tough

But it's gonna be ok because I'm here for you and I always will be no matter what I love you" I said, "I love you too daddy" she replied and I said "What

Does daddy Tell you All the time?" "To be Strong and never give up" she said and I smiled. She hugged me tight and I hugged back and she did the same to

Ariel. I watched her walk into that door and when she did I felt like crying I don't know why I feel this way it's just so emotional for me. we got back into

The Car and we drove back home. We cuddled once we got their. It was time to pick Jordan up but Ariel was tired so I just walked to her school. She was

Waiting outside with all the other kids when she ran to me. I picked her up and asked her "How was School?" "Good Daddy" she said and after that

I Took her too the Park for a little and then I got her Ice Cream. I Brought her home and She sat Down and watched Tv "Daddy How are..

Babies made" she said and I nearly choked "ARIEL" I yelled and she came running downstairs "BABE WHATS WRONG" She said "NDNCNCNC

JORDAN JUST ASKED HOW ARE BABYS MADE" I yelled and she laughed she picked Jordan up and kissed her cheek "Jordan Babys Are

Made From Machines And when they are done they put them in baby rooms" she said And Jordan smiled I stood their laughing. It was late so I tucked

Jordan in and I kissed her Cheek "I Don't wanna go School Daddy" Jordan said, "Why?" I replied "it's Hard" she said I kissed her cheek and laughed

"Jordan Your in Pre-K all you do is Play and Sleep don't be silly babe everything will be fine" I said and she smiled. I shut the lights off and Got In bed with


(Jordan's Room^)

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(Jordan's Room^)

Zach just dropped Jordan off at school and then we walked to Starbucks. He Looked at pics of her the whole Time we ate "Do you miss her? I asked and

He nodded "Yes", i smiled thinking to myself about how cute that is like she could go down the street for Ice cream and he'll miss her it's just so heart

Warming. He picked her up From school and sat her down at the table While I made dinner. He wrapped his arms around We and kissed my cheek

I blush and smiled "Mmm Spaghetti" he said and I bit my lip. We all sat down and ate. Someone knocked on the door and Zach went for it and it was

Loren We let her Eat with us "Mommy who is that" Jordan asked "Baby that's my Friend Loren" I said and she didn't say anything while Loren Just smiled..

Ariel Carried Jordan upstairs So I talked To Zach...

Loren: we had some good years didn't we

Zach: you mean when you tried to kill me?

Loren: no And I'm sorry about that I meant when we were Dating

Zach: yeah I guess until you
Fucked up And that's Your fault

Loren: so if non of this happened we would still be Together?

Zach: No I'm happy with someone else Now

Loren: Maybe...we could try and make things work again

Zach: No your lucky I even considered letting you into my home and I forgave you is that not enough for you Loren? You have ruined my life in so many ways that I can't even explain in and you can't appreciate....

Loren: no Zach it's not that it's just I still have Feelings for you....

Zach: Loren it was over 8 years ago It's over and I'm happy you should respect that

Loren: your right

Zach: I'm always right tf

Loren: whatever You dork

Zach: who you calling a dork I bet I can beat you in 8ball come at me bitch

Loren: LETS GO!!!!

And after playing 8ball for what seemed about idk 24 hours maybe...and He beat me 24 times yup I'm a loser...a loser in love

I know it seems wrong but I just can't help it all the Memories are coming back..but I'll stay away ...

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