Chapter 25

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38 weeks pregnant.....
The doctor Called saying that my water could break anytime this week And when I told Zach he couldn't stop smiling the whole day it's was like the first

Time I have ever seen chocolate lol. We decided to go out and get some breakfast. We ate at Taco Bell today it's so beautiful here and peaceful

I already made friends with all the Neighbors Already they are so friendly here anyways after we ate we

Just went back home and Watched Tv I miss doing fun things I Can't wait until I can do those things with Jordan I'm

Actually really Excited for being a parent and I know Zachs gonna be a good Dad....

a few Hours ago Ariel told me that the baby might Come this week and I haven't stopped smiling since like I've waited so long and I can't believe it's

Almost time. After a While of Watching Tv Someone knocked on the door I went for it and they asked for Ariel. When Ariel got to the door she

Immediately hugged the person which was her mom and my mom is coming over so they Meet each other witch is

Good because they are both gonna be grandparents. We invited her in and we talked for awhile My Mom came a few
Hours later and we decided to have

dinner non stop laughing the whole time and Both of our moms hit it of they seem like pretty good Friends I'm so glad they are getting along. A few

Hours later my mom went home and we let Sharone take the guest bedroom upstairs while me and Ariel went to bed in our room. We woke up early and we

Took our showers and we went downstairs breakfast was already made by sharone and it was good it also tasted a little like my moms pancakes.

Someone knocked on the door and it was my mom we let her in and both moms went shopping while we stayed and watched Tv all day.....

we went shopping for Baby cloths I know they probably got her something ugly lol. After shopping we just ate in the food court the mall here is so big

And amazing wow. We didn't only get cloths for the baby but some for Ariel oh and Apryll got Zach some cloths as well after a few hours we left the mall

And we drove back home to see them still asleep Since we both know the baby could come any day we both sleep over because we don't wanna miss the


it was a long day so much shopping but we eventually came back. We both end up sleeping over and the first thing I go to is the Fridge....What? I was hungry

I took some of Ariels Chocolate that Zach bought a Week ago she's gonna be mad lol. I went upstairs to the guest bed room and I watched Tv...

we and Zach were watching Tv and he went to the bathroom to wash his hands I was still watching when I felt the pain of god in my stomach Then I felt water Running

Down my legs oh no I know what's happening "ZACH MY WATER BROKE" I yelled he came out the bathroom and he carried me

Downstairs "WHATS WRONG?" Mom yelled and Zach told her and She ran upstairs and got apryll. Zach put me in the car and drove off....

The hospital is a About a 1 mile away and everyone's going crazy Ariels screaming in pain while both of our parents are trying to calm her down but

It's definitely not working Out. We finally got Their and thy rushed Ariel into the ER( Emergency room) and they let us into the room. I was holding

Her hand while apryll and Sharone stood in the corner of the room. "PUSH" the doctors yelled and she did but she also screams. They kept telling

Her to push and she did after all the Screams and pushes we all hear a Little Cry...And their she was my heart melted. They cleaned her off and they

Handed her to Ariel she started Crying while holding her in her arms she handed her to me and once I held her in my arms I knew in that moment that

She was one of the best things that has ever happened to me it's something I will never Forget. My eyes Water up while I held her in my arms her eyes

Were closed and she was Chubby. The doctors asked "What's her name" and we said "Jordan Clayton" he then took her from me and carried her to the baby room I kiss Ariels forehead "We made it" I said and she

Smiled...5 words. I.Cant.believe.I'm.a.Father

All I can say is "Wow" she's beautiful She has Brown hair so she got Zach's hair. Me and....

Sharone walked to the baby room "Jordan Clayton" I say and they pointed to her and she was Sleeping god she's so precious can't even begin

To believe I'm looking at my grand-daughter.....

Welcome home Jordan.....sorry if i wrote it weird it's because I don't know how to write a perfect birth scene lol

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