Chapter 16

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8 weeks pregnant....
I've been spending so much and doing so much and I haven't been getting sleep but I would do anything for Ariel she notices and try's to stop me but I don't Let her...

the doctor says if he doesn't get sleep he can either Die due to no sleep or Faint because the shots that hit him crashed into the medial temporal lobe which holds his Memory which caused him to loose it his brain is slowly recovering but it still needs a little Healing I can't believe he survived 2 gun shots if he didn't Jordan wouldn't exist =(.....but he just won't stop I love and appreciate him but he needs a Break....

I came home From the Supermarket and i saw Apryll watching Tv when she came she gave me a hug We were talking when her image(how she looked) went blurry then I find myself on the ground everything went black...

"ZACH WAKE UP" I say as I hold him in my hands I put my face Against his chest...No heartbeat I yell "ARIEL CALL 911" She Came running down the stairs when she saw Zach Her eyes immediately water up and she starts crying but she doesn't hesitate she grabs her phone and Dials 911 "MY BOYFRIEND FAINTED AND WE HAVE NO HEARTBEAT PLEASE HURRY HIS NAME IS ZACH CLAYTON AND WE ARE AT 55 VIRGIN AV" Ariel says. In Few minutes too paramedics come rushing in with a stretcher one tells me to move and they starts CPR on him Then the paramedic yells after CPR "HES NOT BREATHING PUT HIM ON THE STRETCHER SAP" They do and they put a Breathing mask on him and they put him in the truck and they drive away.....

I couldn't control my Sobbing it just kept Crying more and more but what made me Really cry was thinking about how Jordan might never meet her Father Apryll was sobbing too I Red the hospital name on the Truck before they left and we Drive their praying we Finally get their and we wait in the waiting room a few ours later the doctor comes out and says "I'm sorry mam-" I cut him of saying "no no no" then he continued and said "I'm sorry mam but he didn't make it" my whole world Just stopped I fell to the Ground screaming "no no no" and cry sobbing at the same time Apryll sat next to me on the ground and hugged me While I sobbed non stop my tears of sorrow flooded the Ground I begged the doctor if I could see him and he let me when I saw his lifeless body I nearly fainted and I cried More I ran into the room and cried on his chest with no heartbeat I cry for Minutes Then I say "I'm not giving up on you" I start CPR on his Chest again....No heartbeat I bang on his chest as hard as I can(Like in Stranger things)

I'm having a outer Body experience It's when you can see your dead body I saw Ariel standing over my body and I was standing next to her I started Glitching because it started Working....

I bang and I bang on his chest harder and harder and harder I check his chest no heartbeat I do it again and again I check his chest I hear no heartbeat I start crying again but he wasn't Breathing so I take a deep breath and let go in his mouth and I press on his chest

I look into the Room window seeing Ariel Trying to revive him She kept going and going and going everyone in the hospital was now watching and so was the doctors...

I go with force not giving up I keep breathing in his mouth and pressing on his chest seconds later he Breaths and jumps up Every one starts Clapping and his mom starts crying and I climb on the Hospital Bed and I sit on him and I smash my Lips against his and he kisses back I start crying during our kiss....

My spirit Jumped back into my body because she saved my life apparently when I woke up everyone was clapping and she kissed me and I kissed back and they started whistling and Clapping at the same time Things got heated but We Eventually stopped that's when my mom came in Crying and she gave me A hug I hug back tight Crying and they Took me home and Ariel Told me to go lay down I did as told and she Brung me Water and I stayed Their Resting all day she came in Tearing up and said "I thought I lost you" I told her to come her and I hug her so tight and I kiss he forehead and I  tell her "Baby your never loosing me i love you" then she says "I love you too" i kiss her Cheek and she says "Please don't let go" I hug her tighter and she snuggles up to me.....


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