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i woke up and looked around the room,i couldnt sit back was killing me,i looked down at my hand which was in sam's.he looked up at me and smiled,i turned me head and looked at melly who was sleeping on the chair."what happened?".i looked back at sam who was watching me,before he could answer ed came in the door.his eye's were red and puff.i sat up a bit,ed came over and half hugged me."you broke your back,but Natalie said you'll be you feeling".i looked down at my feet,i pulled the blanket up so i could see my toes.i moved them around,well that is a good thing.ed sat on the side of the bed,i got up slowy and wrapped my arms around him.i rested my head on his arm,i moved closer so my face was on his sholder.i wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer to me."you know,this is great for my back".he laughed and turned so he was looking at me."yea?.what's good for you is to rest,lay down and rest".he said,he looked me in the eye then sam walked in with a big blue rabbit.melly was next to him with flowers in her hand.i wanted to get up but ed put his hand on my sholders and pushed me  back onto the bed.sam walked over to the chair and sat down,but melly came over to me and hugged me.half way because i let out a little cry and ed gave her a mean look."she's my twin and i can hurt her if i want.".melly walked around and sat with ed.they both looked over at sam,he was looking down at the floor .when he looked up melly and ed looked back at me."well,we should go get food".ed took melly out the room and closed the door.sam still sat there,he looked from the door to me."you just gonna sit there?",i asked,he got up and walked over to the bed and sat down.i moved closer to him and put my hand on his leg."how you feeling?...pancake".he smiled at me and i just blinked.really?,pancake!.melly has got to stop calling me nicknames.he moved closer to me so his lips were close to mine.he moved forward and pressed his lips to my face.I was sure he was gonna kiss me but he didn't,he pulled back and gave me a smile instead.the next few days went by fast. Sam and melly stayed with me, the team stopped by a few times.when I got to go home I spent my time laying in bed with midnight and Antarctica. my bedroom door opens and Knight walks in holding a cup."sure Knight you can come in.".I roll my eyes and sit up a little.he hands me the cup ,I look inside and see he made me so tea.after he hands me the tea he starts picking my dirty things,he makes a face when he picks up one of my bras.he walks over to me and kisses my forhead and leaves my room.sam walks in,he has half a smile on his face,he bends over and flops on the bed.i wince a little,sam looks up at me."ah forgot.sorry" he says.i give him a little wink and lean back on the pillows."im guessing my brothers are being nice then?".i look over at him,he gives me a smile."they aren't being thats a start".he started playing with the blanket that midnight was chewing on.for the next couple of hours I was in and out of sleep, at some point I was sure I kicked Sam o.r rolled over on him. ever get that feeling when you wanna wake up but cant, well in my case I didn't wanna wake up but  someone wouldn't let me sleep all day. I got up to see half the blanket on the floor alone with Sam and the dog, I looked around to find  my glasses and it really sucks when you need your glasses to find your glasses. then I end up doing the tango with my sheets and fall on the floor, i give up with this day already.


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