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never lived in Canada before.but it's a need start for me & melody. but we got a job being on the sru team.they said team one."wow.me, you.cops."melly said. I gave her a Yea I know look.we aren't really good looking cops,I mean with the way we look.it isn't very professional. Yea I'M going with that we don't look professional, we never did.no matter What job we got.four years in Paris,year in a half. at the French police academy, then we got picked to join the team. Gregory Parker picked us for the job,I could Have said no.but I couldn't help but look them up and seen all the good working they did,I just had to join.after all the good people say about them,I wanna join a team like that.sick of everyone knowing me because my last name...Valentine.a name everyone knows,even if you don't know the name you'll soon find out."Robin! come on!. we can't miss the plane,unless you wanna swim there "melody said.we rush to the gate & wait in line,when we get on the plane we see all the other faces.faces of policeman, women. they can't all be going the Same place as us. are they?. I thought to myself,well at least I'll get to know some of their names.I take my seat next to melody, were twins.but she got the green eyes,I got the blue.my hair is cotton candy pink and turquoise. melly's hair is deep purple with lavender highlights.YES we have piercings,tattoos.Yup,so unprofessional. but they picked us away.it was a long flight,that's What I though.tired and even more tried,we looked around for out good friend Dorian,he was picking us up. we are gonna stay with our sister,Natalie. how fun was this gonna be."Cupid's! .my God you two look beautiful then the last time I saw you ".Dorian said.ah how imissed his British accent,black hair & big grey eyes!. mostly missed his eyes they are out of this world beautiful!. we dropped our thing at his feet,hugged him.I missed him so much,he's my best friend.going to Paris for school was hard for me.melly too.we left behind friends,family.no boyfriends.not after Jason,the guy who thinks it's OK to beat on girls.but I'M starting over,with my twin.new life,we have one rule.no boyfriends,none at all no matter how much they look good. ok.... well if a guy likes me I might go on a date with him,like what's the problem with one little date.in two hours me & melody meet the team.I'M just hoping they will like us,melody thinks their gonna be that kind of team that doesn't welcome outsiders.Dorian took us for lunch,a little shopping.once we got settled in our rooms,we spent time with the boys.nephews,they got so big.their four now,my sister got tall.she filled us in on everything we missed out on,which want much.the facted that Natalie & ace aren't together bugs me out,four kids together and they split.melody ask What happened between them,but she wouldn't answer.so I texted ace,he said it wasn't working out for them.work got in the way,didn't have time for the kids.they still don't, me & melody taken care of then since they were born.well,as we dress for the meeting im thinking that maybe we shouldnt even be going with this job choice.we should just stick to collage,which were still in so i dont see how this is gonna work the hell out.then again..everythijng ends up working out.jack is our driver(for now),cause sagittarius (our dad) said security has been bumped up since we left,just to be sure."jack,drive a bit faster please"melody said.he gave a little nod,now he's doing 45mph ,the speed limit is 40mph.oh! bad ass driver on the rode make way.jack parked outside the building,i looked around,seems nice here."its a big building,kinda nice to"i said.meoldy said we should wear vest,makes us look like we are serious.i pick black & grey,melly picked black & white.just before we got inside two guys came sliding down the wall,"two to nothing sam?"the one with dark hair said.the blonde must be sam."no freaking way,spike you keep cheating"sam said.so the one with dark hair is spike,gotta say that name fits him,like my jeans fit me.me & melody kinda stand there and watch them before they turn & notice us.the both clear their throats & steped a side.but then we both stop,cause we remebered them."sam braddock,michaelangleo scarlatti.you two look the same"i said.sam gave a little smile to me,spike gave us a sexy smile.god!,how could i forget that smile."wow robin,melody you two look different,but still the same"spike said.we both smiled back at him,of course i couldnt help but give both guys a big hug.i missed them so much,i knew for for a year,the year we came back from paris for a very good friends wedding.me & sam shared a dance,but i felt something there betweens us.when we dance it was like he was meant for me.i dont know guess i really liked him then.sam,spike,melody were walking slowy into the buliding,catching up with small talk.i was lookind around the scence when i spotted a tall bald guy,when he turned around i seen his big blue eyes,i gasped a little.he looked at me with a shocked look.did he know who i was?,i mean the only thing didfferent about me was my hair was a didfferent color.i dresseded different,actted in a better way."ed?.eddie lane?" i said with a shakey voice.my legs were shaking,as were my hands.this man right here in front of me.him & his wife sophie taken care of ue since we were born,sagittarius & arius were to busy to take care of us.they had way to much to do,plus natalie was in school to be a docotor.ed was basicly our dad,"robin"ed said.i ran up to him,i didnt wanna let go,we had to leave when we turned 15.not agian,im not leaveing again.melody came up beside me,tears in her eyes.no one knows who much it means to ue to see him again.we stepped back & got a good look at him."what are you's doing here?.did you move back?"ed said.we looked at each other,not sure if we should tell him were on his team or say, yes we moved back.we go in the meeting room,parker is sitting down reading our files,nodding his head at everying thing he reads.was that a good thing or a bad thing,was he liking what he was reading,hating everything?!.damn it i couldnt freaking tell!.it was driving me crazy,melly was cool & waiting.twirling my fingers ,i looked up for a second.i was watching sam stare at me,how long was he doing that.we looked eye to eye,but didnt look away.eh,guys stare at me all the time.i dont even pay mind to it cause im not into dating.i dont really care for it."god!,it's like he fell in love".melly said,thats when parker looked up & over at sam.he looked away then,damn.i kinda liked looking at his eyes,they were just beautiful."we have a little rule about dating team members.but i can't change how two people feel about each other.if your gonna date keep it to the team your on & thats it.ok?".parker said.we both nod once,i told him i wasn't into the whole idea of dating,but melly was & well...lets just see who she goes after first.we went over the times,blah blah blah.took a little tour,got to know some names.i really like winnie,her name that is.winnie,like winnie the poo.i love him!,anyway,think i might have a stalker on my hands...........sam.i dont mind cause he's good looking .as long as he doesnt ask me out or even try to ask me out.we start tomorrow,at 3am,which means i wont get no type of sleep at all.so we are staying with our sister untill we can get our on place.thank the lord cause one day here & i feel like i should be deaf by now.

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