chapter 2-four months on the team.

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"COME ON! FASTER FASTER! UP UP UP, DOWN DOWN! GRAB THE ROPE! MELODY YOUR SLACKING BEHIND. LET'S GET A MOVE ON!".ed was yelling like a old women,it was just training .we have been training for three days now but it feels like it's been weeks.& everyone we had to work with someone,spike or Sam were my partner.Sam is trying way to hard for my attention, it is so old I don't pay no mind.he's a player,looks like he's a man whore to."ed! I can't do anymore,my lungs can't take much more "I said.I fell to my knees trying to catch some air,melly & ed came running over to my side."why didn't you say something?I would have excused you from running "ed said.I looked at him,then at melly."I tried but Im having a hard time breathing ed! "I said with gasp. he took his classes off so he could look me in the eye,spoke comes walking over & kneeled down at my left side."you should tale it easy on the twins ed.they aren't used to the trainimg we do."spike said with a smile.he gave me a nod & helped me up.I almost fell back on my ass,I got lite headed, dizzy.the outside was spinning alone with everyone else."whoa!, Rowe take it slow. "melly said.melly was getting me a ice pack when spike walked over & sat across from me.he smiled at me & got his phone out.OK,I know spkie is the geek of the team ,but dude had more electronics then I could he knows how to deal with things that explode. which,by the way is very sexy .while I was waiting for melly with my ice pack,I study spike for a bit.he's really is the geek,friendly, sweet.I'M still trying to guess why he's still single.I open my mouth to ask why he's not dating but decided I shouldn't ask.cause then that brings up the question for me,why am I still single.but I couldn't help it so I ask him anyway."hey spike,you don't have to answer if you don't want to.but why & how are you single " .he looked up slowly,gave me a smile."because,no girl wants to date a geek "he said.I nodded my head some. "well,there are some girls who would want a geek,& not a man whore ".I look over at Sam a little,then look back at spike with a sweet smile.spike gave a little laugh & a glance at Sam before talking to me."Sam's not a man whore,& most woman want a rich, hot,blonde guy.".not me,I don't want a guy like that.I just want to be alone,but not for ever though.someday I would like to get back into the dating world.spike & I looked into each others eye,we understood each other.Sam walked in with a ice pack in his hand.was that mine or his?. I have nothing against Sam,it's just guys get on my nerves.he sat on the table,& placed the pack on my head.I gasped at how cold it was,spike laughed at me reaction."is it to cold? "Sam asked.I shook my head, & gave him a smile."OK,so we aren't friends,you don't talk with me.did I do something or do you hate all guys? ".I though about Sam's question for a minute.I like spike,ed,Dorian, no,I didn't hate all guys just one.that wasn't Sam who I hated,I kinda enjoy Sam's need for my attention. it was kinda like a puppy,but I wasn't looking a puppy."you didn't do anything.".he nod once & looked at spike for help,but he was to busy laughing at him."fine.we can be friends."Sam said.I shake his hand,friends.I could use some friends.had two more days of training,learning how to use a gun.don't know why we ha e to go through all this bullshit,I do remember I was in the French police academe for two was our first day for going on a call with the team.everyone was already in the locker rooms hearing to for the day,melly went in ahead of me.Sam stopped me before I went in."I'M saying this as a look like hell today.but beautiful hell ".I smiled at What he said,I have him a thank you & walked in the locker room.I look like beautiful hell, that's the first any guy gave me comment about What I look like.a nice one the meeting room,I saw everyone has a seat.I found melly at the end of the table with a chair next to was at the better end of the table,away from the other chairs.I sat down,put my feet up & leaned back some,melly did the Same.we became great friends with Sam & spike.of course with everyone else.but mostly them two.Edward walked in,I melly got up gave him a kiss on the cheek followed but a hug.I did the Same thing,but after I turned around I bumped into Sam.with a weird look at him I walk back to my seat."so,Edward. who names their kid Edward any way?".I said.he gives me a silly look,melly always makes fun of his first name.she calls him Edward or sir lane.everyone Call's him ed."team one,we have a call about some teens in a closed down library."winnie said.i looked over a melly,she just gave me the same look back.'what does a bunch of kids hanging around a closed buliding have to do with us?"i said."its the fourth call we got from the care taker"."winnie,i dont see why we have to deal with teens".ed patted me on my shoulder & told me to hurry up.leah ,jules were in the truck,sam,spike,serg,ed.who were me & melly supposed go with?.ed handed me the keys,& said i could drive.melly,ed got in the back.just as i was about to get in spike started laugh."are you sure thier old enough to drive?",i looked over at ed for some help, but he just looked at on my own here,two can play at this spike."were 19 ,not 15.we can drive,but can you say the same thing about yourself scarlatti?".he gave me the tip of his hat,& got in the truck.serg looked over at me."don't worry.i can drive".i was a long drive,i didn't do much talking,up untill sam said something about my driving.thats when it hit ww3."sam,i dont drive like a crazy doing the speed limit,serg said im a great driver so shove it!"i said.well,that shut him up.i didn't wanna seem mean,but the dude was kinda pissing me off.i was not a bad driver,im a very fine driver.when we pulled up,the library was old,the paint came off the sides,windows had holes in them.when i got out the car,spike & sam winked at me.i looked around the place,melly was at my side within seconds.we were standing side by side,then we got called over by ed."ok,sam & robin take the back.spike,melody front.just make sure there aren't any kids playing around inside".ed said.i nod once,melly looks at me a funny way."why can't i go with robin?"melly asked."i know you two don't like to part away from each other,but you can't be together all the time".ed said.melly rolled her eyes,just as i was about to walk away with sam melly laughed a little."premier jour et je deteste ce travail".melly said & walked to the front buliding with spike.Sam goes in first,I soon follow after a glance back at melly.I follow Sam's lead,I got his back.I think it should be the other way around, but hey we have each others backs.the floor creaks with each step we take & each step we take I feel like one of us is bound to fall through the floor.we hear nothing for a while,"Sam,go find spike ".ed says.Sam starts to run a little,so do I.but when we turn a Conner the floor creaks & I fall with."SAM! " I yelled it out before I fell on my back.I black out,the room spins around hearing is going in & out.I look up to see Sam, I can see his mouth moving but I can't hear what he's saying.I try to sit up but pain goes up my back.I cry out in pain,"ROBIN! TRY NOT TO MOVE ".Sam says.I arch my back a little to looked up at him, then I hear it crack

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