Journey to the end.

127 20 24

So here it goes, its free verse. Hope ya like it.


The sun is setting,
As dusk is beginning.
The sky changes hue,
From baby blue,
To red orange then finally grey.
Everywhere I look,
People are surrounding me.
Some with scowls on their faces,
Others with frowns.
Everyone is comfortable with life,
While little ole me,
Suffers and copes with life,
With no one to call my own.

The wind is howling,
The temperature rapidly changing,
Lightning flashes across the sky,
Thunder bolts from a distance.
Then it began.
The rain started falling.
I started falling.

You see,
Life had it out for me.
From day one,
Nothing ever worked in my favor,
Mother Nature and karma,
The two evil hags,
Ensured that I never succeeded.
I was a burden to everyone,
That I ever encountered.
So that's why,
I decided to do this.

My hair whips,
Back and forth it goes,
Into my eyes,
Into my mouth,
Blocking my view.
Goosebumps form on my arms,
My hair stand on its end,
My scalp itches,
My breath hitches in my throat.
Eyes wide open as I await the end.
Memories flash by in a blur,
The good, the bad and not so bad.
I can finally see it,
The bottom of the cliff,
The end of my journey.
Its arms wide open,
Beckoning me to speed up.

Eyes closed,
I realized I finally arrived,
To my destination.


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