Hot Damn/ In the Jungle

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The Marauders were sitting in the common room and it was mid-afternoon. Remus and Sirius were in the armchairs and James and Peter were at a desk in the corner.
"I'm too hot!" Sirius says.
"Maybe you shouldn't be wearing your leather jacket in the middle of summer. Just a thought." Remus replies. Sirius gives Remus a withering look.
"You're useless."
"HOT DAMN!" James calls across the room.
"Thank you Prongs." Sirius calls back as Remus rolls his eyes.


It was 11 pm and Remus was asleep in the common room with Sirius, Peter and James who were all bored. Suddenly Sirius smiled mischievously and pressed his wand to his throat.
"Sonorus" he muttered still grinning. He shot a look at Peter and James who both magnified their voices.
"Hem hem hem" Sirius said, his voice magically magnified. "A weema way, a weema way, a weema way, a weema way....."
Remus jolted awake. "No"
"In the jungle....." James continued.
"No!" Remus repeated.
"The mighty jungle....." Peter sung.
"NO!" Yelled Remus.
"Go. To. Hell."

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