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Harry Potter walked down Diagon Alley towards Eylopes Owl Emporium. As he entered the store and walked to the counter he was watched by the silent eyes of the owls.
"Just a bag of Owl Feed please." Harry said. The young shop assistant smiled and went out the back, returning soon after with a large bag of Owl Feed.
"That'll be 9 sickles and 3 knuts please." She said.
Harry handed over the money. "Thanks"
Harry had just left the shop and was heading for the Leaky Cauldron when a little black German Shepherd puppy came up to him. Thinking that it probably belonged to someone Harry kept walking and the dog kept following. When Harry realised that it wasn't going anywhere he looked around for an owner but couldn't see anyone. He bent down to check the puppy's collar but it didn't have one.
"Where have you come from?" Harry muttered to the puppy looking around once again for an owner. No one was there. Harry looked closely at the little creature. Tears came to his eyes but he brushed them away.
"You look just like Sirius" he said. Harry looked around one final time. "Well I can't leave you out here all by yourself." And so he picked up the puppy and took it with him and apparated back home.

When he walked in the front door Lily came sprinting to meet him but stopped short when she saw the puppy.
"Ohmygosh you got a puppy dad!" She cried
"What?" Ginny said coming into the hall.
"It followed me home and didn't have an owner so I thought that we could adopt it. It reminds me of Sirius."
"What's it's name?" Lily asked fondeling it's ears.
"Why don't you choose?" Harry said
Lily thought back to all of the stories that her father had told her about Sirius.

"Padfoot." She said. "Or Snuffles for short."

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