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I pressed the house phone tightly to my ear, attempting to block out the blarring noise of the living room TV. "You're what?"

I asked, dumbfounded, my voice small and shaky. This couldn't be happening. "Leaving."

Harry mumbled. "B-but why? I thought we were going to comprehensive school together."

"I'm changing schools."

He murmured, his voice grew more quiet with every syllable. But he promised. He promised me we'd go to school together. "Which one?"

I asked, trying to sound happy for him, but my tone failed me. My voice dipped awkwardly, as I swallowed the lump rising in my throat. But it wouldn't go. It just kept getting bigger and bigger, like it would block my lungs. Would I stop breathing? It felt like I already had. " wouldn't know it."

He said lamely. I knew Harry. He was conjuring up crappy excuses. But he didn't want to tell me, and so I accepted that I could not pressure him further. "So that's it? You're moving away?"

I said. My voice escaped my lips in a tone that sounded more aggresive than I'd intended. I could practically see Harry frown at my tone of voice. But I was angry. Angry at him. Who else do I have without him? "Tallie, please don't make this hard."

"Make it hard?"

I retorted, snorting. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

I said bitterly. I instantly regret it. I didn't want to be like that towards him. The other end of the phone was silent. "I'm sorry."

I mumbled, sighing, before running a hand through my hair. He chuckled lightly. "It's fine Tallie. It's okay to be angry. I'll be back in christmas and summer breaks, okay?"

I sniffled, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. "Okay."

He sighed, but in a relieved kind of way. "Good. You're still my best friend, you know that?"

I smiled sadly, nodding. But I stopped, because obviously he couldn't see me. "Uh-huh."

I mumbled, holding back the oncoming tears that pricked my eyes. I blinked rapidly, forcing them away. "I have to go now. The train will be leaving," He said sadly. "It's fine."

I murmured, trying to sound like I understood. To say that I did would have been a lie. I breathed in. "Harry?"


"Don't forget me."

I said, my voice shaky again. My vision was becoming blurred by salty tears that I'd fought against. Harry chuckled. "I could never forget you. Bye Tallie."

Then the line wenr dead. I put the phone back on its hook, before staring at it, as though it would make Harry come back. But it couldn't, because he was boarding a train to his new school, and I was here. And I couldn't do anything about it. So I raced up the stairs, as fast as my small legs could carry me, and I burst through my bedroom door, and threw my small self onto the bed. And that's when I finally let myself cry. And I cried like that for most of the afternoon, until I fell into an uncomfortabler sleep.

He'd gone.

There went my best friend. Most of my life I knew him. And now, out of the blue, he's gone...

That was the last time for a while, that I saw my best friend, Harry potter...


Okay, so I've remodelled the prologue, hopefully it's better than the first one:D

Thank you so much for reading, guys:D

Check out some other stories I've started writing, like: Insane for him. If you read them, I hope you like them:3

So yeah, this story is now under construction, because I feel I can improve it. So I'm editing the chapters that I've already written, whilst working on new ones. It's been so long since I've done anything with this story, but I promise to get it back on track;3

Vote, comment, fan!

Thank you;3


Don't forget me. *A Harry Potter story* (Under construction!)Where stories live. Discover now