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i walk down the path in the forest and stumble over the all too familiar branch on the ground, never bothering to move it.

i walk to the lake, josh and i took one last look last night. i want to turn back time, to where we never seperated, where we were happy. i walk to the place his father never finished building.

i look at the figure in the distance, it looks as if it's taunting me. but everything does now. everything is dark and dreary, but when i was with josh everything was bright and vibrant. take me back.

"take me back!" i shout, my voice echoing throughout the forest. my eyes sting and my lungs burn as i walk up the ladder, and step inside the familar treehouse. i sigh and look at the signatures on the wall, we all walked out and wrote something that we could look back to, but i doubt anyone is coming back.

i look at the sharpie marks, identifying everyone's handwriting. i absentmindedly trace my fingertips over the writing, the chipping wood scratching at my dry skin.

i see an empty pack of cigarettes, some weed, and a lighter. a vision flashes through my dark mind. i take one last look of the place, and grab the lighter. i cough and walk out, tears threatening to escape my eyes.

i play with the lighter, a flame showing. i stare at it for a few seconds, and place it against the old wood. it starts slow, but in minutes it's in flames. tears start to flow down my cheeks as i drop the lighter, stepping away from the mess i've made. the tears find their way to the dead leaves scattered around my feet.

none of this was supposed to happen. none of it. josh was never supposed to leave and then come back years later, and then leave me again. he was never supposed to break my heart. i wasn't supposed to become attached to his friends and i wasn't supposed to do this. this wasn't part of the plan. this was not what i had planned. 

i walk away from the burning treehouse behind me, hearing the crackling of the fire. as i exit the forest, it starts to downpour. i walk to my house, from the house with the white paint chipping at the sides and the broken window, but now there's a for sale sign with the word "SOLD" stuck to it.

i burned my memories and burdens behind me, i couldn't bare to deal with them. i'll miss them, i'll miss him.


i dial a number i haven't dialed since 2 years ago, days before my first session. a familiar voice floods the speaker and i wince at the sound.


"dr. morton" i say, my voice raspy and raw from the screaming and crying over the past few nights.

"tyler?" he asks, sounding surprised.

"you were right.

he left."

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