new notebooks

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"Tyler! Tyler!"

I turn around to see Josh, running towards me. He tackles me in a hug and laughs. "Tyler! it's the last day of school! the last day of 4th grade! we'll be going to college soon!"

"I know! we're practically adults!" I exclaim, agreeing with him.

"hey Tyler, guess what." he whispers, covering the side of his mouth with his hand. I look at him curiously. "what?" i ask, furrowing my eyebrows. I wait for him to tell me while he looks around.

"my dad let me stay up last night and watch an R rated movie with him!"

"what? what was the movie?" I ask, excited.

"I don't know, I fell asleep because it was late." he replies, looking down. I let out a sigh. We walk into our classroom, everyone is talking with their friends and smiling. it's hot outside so we're hit by air condition and let out a sigh of relief. We sit at our table and plan all the sleepovers and play dates we're going to have over the summer.

"Josh, look what my mom bought me!" I say, grabbing his attention. he looks up from his drawing and puts down a blue crayon. I pull out a new notebook and put it on the table.

"I have a new book for drawing in!" I shout, excitedly.

"bring it to my house everytime you come over!" he tells me, looking through the empty pages.


a few days gave passed since the last day of school. Im in the car on my way to Josh's house, legs bouncing up and down while clutching onto my new notebook.

when we park in front of his house, Josh runs outside and says hi to my mom and hugs me once I get out of the car. he grabs his backpack and I say goodbye to my mom. "Tyler! we're having a sleepover tonight! we can go swimming, color, swim some more, eat ice cream, and watch movies all night!" Josh says quickly, clearly excited for the night ahead of us.

"hey Tyler! how are you?" Josh's mom asks me. I turn around and smile at her.

"i'm good! how are you?"

"i'm good, thanks Tyler, i'll be at the store for a little bit. do you boys want anything?" she asks, picking up her purse and slinging it over her shoulder. she picks up her phone from the table nearby and slips it into her pocket.

"no mom, we're good!" Josh answers, grabbing my wrist and pulling me outside.

we run throughout the house and the backdoor (A/N: DIDN'T LEAVE A MARK. NO ONE KNOWS IT'S YOU MISS JACKSON lmao okay this chapter is almost done hope you enjoyed it so far). when we reach his backyard, he picks up a large stick and says, "do you want to fight monsters?"

I smile and nod my head. I find a stick and pick it up. I start stabbing the hair as I chase Josh, laughing and screaming.

we don't talk anymoreOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz