Chapter One: Monsters in New York City

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  • Dedicated to New Yorkers

Note: I haven't fully edited this story yet, and I know there's a lack of imagery. I'm working on it. But i'm hoping you can still enjoy it, even though it has a few mistakes. 


               Early summer was in the air as Lauren and I walked through the busy streets of New York City  heading towards school. Ignoring Lauren as she continued to talk about Zach Dylan’s upcoming party, I thought about my summer plans like: hitting the beach, partying, having stress free time, sun tanning, regretting one night stands, and sleeping in late. 

“It’s going to be beyond amazing,” she spoke enthusiastically. Oh no, I thought to myself, She’s still trying to convince me to attend that stupid party. 

“I highly doubt it’ll be beyond amazing. Those people don’t know how to be spectacular,” I commented. 

“It’s just a party, Chelsea. Not a social gala,” she tried to reason. Of course, it was a failed attempt I would never attend anything in Greenwich Village without having a business reason. It’s not a place where a person of high social class, like me, should be.  

“I’ll think about it,” I lied. There was nothing to think about. Zach Dylan may be incredibly handsome, but his social status made him revolting. 

Lauren sighed. “One day you’ll remember that life isn’t, who you mingle with. It’s about the memories you make with those you do.” 

“And I will,” I responded. “Of course,  those memories will only be with people of the upper class.” 

We walked in silence from there on, until the gates of our school came into view. 

“If you don’t go, I’ll tell Luke you cheated on him,” Lauren threaten. Ah. This is why Lauren and I are close acquaintances. We both talk bitch and use blackmail to our advantage. A prefect partnership. 

“Go ahead. But if you do, I’ll tell your parents and everyone else you got an abortion last year,” I replied with confidence. I usually won the fights with Lauren.  

“Fine,” she muttered as two giggling blondes, Madeline and Caroline, joined us. Both were equally beautiful and stupid.  

“Where have you guys been? We’ve been waiting for like twenty minutes,” Caroline questioned us.  

I rolled my eyes, irritated with her nosiness already. “Lauren here-” I gestured to the dark, brown haired girl next to me, “-wanted to walk to school today.”

Changing the subject with a smile, Madeline asked: “Did you guys hear what happened to Logan?” 

Remember this: every great ruler needs informants. Madeline and Caroline were mine. They provided me with those deep, dark secrets I use to rule my minions in sweet tyranny.

“No,” Lauren replied bored. Recently, gossip was becoming an uninteresting topic to her.

“Courtney is cheating on him,” Caroline revealed before Madeline, who looked rather annoyed, could. 

Lauren and I looked at each other, wondering what idiot had decided to mess around with Courtney knowing who her boyfriend was. It would be never-ending hell for him if Logan found out. 

“Does he know?” I asked curiously. 

Madeline laughed. “Yes. But that's not the best part.”

“He also know who she’s cheating with,” Caroline added. 

“Who?” Lauren and I asked. 

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