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chapter one


Hurry up Oliver, it's your first writing class of your first year of college and it's an advanced class, you better not be late. I muttered to myself as I walked down the almost empty hallway to H5.

Before I reached the door I slowed down to a casual walk, and then entered in.

As I settled into a random available seat, with an asian boy in front of me, a pretty brunette behind me, and a red-head next to me; the teacher in standing in the front of the room, just simply wearing a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt that read "Irwin Publishing" began talking.

"Hello everybody, and welcome to Fiction Writing!" She paused and smiled. "I'm so glad all of you could make it!" She looked absolutely delighted, which was quite the huge contrast between my other instructors.

"But if you wanted a class where you could write nonsense and get an pass, you should leave now. What I expect from you is genuine real literature. Something that will enthrall your readers from the first sentence." Her tone became slightly more serious, and she gestured towards the door.

I nodded playing nervously with my pencil. Obviously that's reasonable.

The teacher paused her pacing and walked towards the giant whiteboard in the front of the class. She picked up an expo marker and using it, scrawled her name across the length of the board in huge cursive letters. Mrs. Hensen.

"Well, I'm Mrs. Hensen, and we have lots to do this semester. So let us dive right in." She walked slowly, making her way around the edge of classroom.

"Now can someone tell me why you're here? Why you've chosen Fiction Writing, why you even write fiction?"

A boy sitting in the front of the classroom shouted out, "I feel free, like I can do whatever I want to."

Mrs. Hensen, nodded a grin pulling across her features.

"I love making characters, and developing them into a person." The girl sitting next to me added in. She smiled at the mere thought of it.

Being able to form something beautiful with your own mind.

"It releases me." A female voice spoke, sounding from a few rows behind me.

It let's me be myself, and nobody can judge me for it.

"It let's my mind be free." A dark haired boy sitting a few rows down shouted out.

It let's me express my true self through my own writing.

"Writing love stories, it's gives an amazing feeling when you accomplish having something of your own creation have a beautiful or tragic ending. It gives me hope, that I'll find my own love one day." Someone said from the back of the room, and extremely surprisingly so, it was a boy.

Such a stupid guy. He's gonna end up with a broken heart one day.

I twisted my torso around to see who it was.

He had dark blonde hair, with some sort of an extreme quiff standing on top of his head. But somehow it suited him. From what I could see, he had quite eccentric blue eyes, and a lip ring. Which I must say, made him look quite nice. He wore a simple white t-shirt with a smiley face on it. He didn't look like someone who would be taking this course.

The boy sat leaning back against his chair, his hands clasped together on the desk in front of him.

"Love stories?" Mrs. Hensen spoke up, making me turn back to the front of the classroom. She was obviously talking to lover boy in the back of the room.

"Yeah." He said, his voice seemingly much more confident than he probably felt.

"Very good!" She walked to her desk and picked up the student listing, "Mr. Hemmings, is it?" Mrs. Hensen was positively beaming. "Does anyone have any comments on that?" She asked.

"How can you trust so much in love?" The question tumbled out of my mouth without thought. The whole body of students turned to face me, Mrs. Hensen also.

"You don't?" 'Hemmings' was quick to respond.

"I don't." I deadpanned.

"Well, all around me, I see love." He replied.

"How so?" I asked with with an eyebrow raised.

"Look at you. You love writing don't you? It lets you create something beautiful with your own mind and nobody can judge you for it. You can express who you really are, through literature."

My heart rate quickened, he just spoke everything that I'd been thinking, how? I turned back around and stayed in my seat without another glance at that damn boy.

Unfortunately, my mind wouldn't let go of him. I could feel his gaze burning the back of my head. How the hell did he know exactly how I felt. I'm a curious person, and I always find out in the end.



forgive me ive been so busy, wattpad has slightly disentagrated from my mind and i feel such guilt

but seriously, my grades were going down and i was losing a lot of sleep and i just

BUT NOW I THINK IM BACK and strong and spring break holla

btw this a very short chapter but more shall be coming

holla at me - blessing

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