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The woman worthy of my love.


"Hellhound" wasn't an actual place in New York. Rather, it's a dimension filled with them. Underneath the busy streets of New York lay the subway, or train system. And underneath all that, is a space entirely for the pets of higher beings for maximum security. You could call it a dog pound. Except it's for hellhounds and it's underneath the entire city.

Adiona knew that it was not going to be an easy task to find Cleo, because really, New York is huge and Hellhound Pound is packed with hellhounds. If you haven't guessed what a hellhound is yet, google it and good luck sleeping tonight.

It took her less than half the time it usually takes for her to arrive, and her wings gave their final flap as she landed in a dark alley where there were no people. Heaven forbid they see a woman floating on the ground in the middle of traffic. The archangels would have a field day.

She took hurried steps to the entrance of the Hellhound Pound, which was located right underneath where people never think to look at; the trash. After shoving the large, green trash containers with one hand to clear the way, the black ground liquified under Adiona's mental command. She stepped through and vanished.

She bent her knees to absorb the impact of the ten-feet-drop. Almost immediately, she was greeted by a low, guttural growl. The place was pitch black, but as a being of heaven, getting light shown wasn't hard. However, Adiona didn't summon any light. The dark called out to her, and for a reason she was ashamed of, she had missed having the dark. She faced the beast head-on, fire burning behind her crystal green orbs. The growl was a deep bass that reverberated into her bones and it almost made the hairs on her arms stand up. Almost.

She could smell and feel hell in its breath, mere inches from her. She stayed in her crouched position, unmoving, as she let the hellish beast smell her while prowling around her. As an archangel, it would have been easy for her to rip its head clean off its shoulders, but that would take effort, and she was surrounded by thousands of them here. Two or three hellhounds could already rip her wings into shreds and leave enough damage for her to go into healing for a few months.

Nope. Fighting a hellhound in the midst of thousands of others? Bad idea. She was here for Cleo, and Adiona knew she had to get them both out with as least a damage as possible. And staying as still as her limbs could hold, until the hell dog would deem her harmless and allow her to pass was the safest way she knew. This could take a few minutes, but that's better than months in the Angel's Ward for healing.

Suddenly, Adiona heard a whimper. She knew immediately that it was Cleo. She could sense her mate's mind, and found intense panic and fear. Whatever bastard that kidnapped Cleo had given her poison that was making her paralyzed. It wasn't long before the poison hit her heart, and made it stop beating forever. To Adiona's surprise, her inner demon growled in possessiveness. She reminded herself that she didn't care, she just knew she had to rescue Cleo or she herself would get hurt too. They were already connected.

She had about five minutes before her mate was dead. And this procedure she's going through could take about ten.

She took a deep breath and let it out through her nose.

Just do this once, Adiona, she thought as she squeezed her eyes shut. Just so you can get Cleo out. No one is going to find out.

And in a split second, she had made her decision.

Archangel Adiona's eyes opened to reveal burning ember. Green flames flickered within her irises and she directed it towards the hellhound. Red fire orbs met with green ones and a battle of dominance came between. Adiona could feel her body changing, and she ground her teeth to try to stop it from going too far. She couldn't let Cleo see her in her other form; no one could.

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