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Her heart doesn't even beat now.


"Adiona, you must comply with the Council's punishment." Blaire's tone was stern as she regarded the Archangel. "It's only a month. Just protect her for a month."

"You mean I'm seriously stuck with her for the next thirty days?" Cleo exclaimed. "I'm as straight as a spaghetti stick!"

"Until you get hot and wet," Blaire coughed and Cleo glared at her. She quickly sobered up.

"Listen, Cley," Blaire spoke softly. "I get that you're straight, and I respect that. But heaven wills for you to be mated to Adiona and there's nothing we can do about that. Who knows, maybe you're bi, but you just don't know it yet."

"Blaire, you of all people know me," Cleo sighed. "All I've ever dated are boys. I don't believe in fate, and so what if I can see her wings? Even if she is my mate, we can just go our separate ways and forget this ever happened."

Adiona walked until she was a few inches away from Cleo and bent down, bringing her painfully stunning face to be in the same level as hers.

"I have even more important matters to attend to than this, but for the sake of my honor, I have done my best to understand and empathize with you, Cleomandra Stone," Adiona purred, her eyes maintaining eye contact with the brown-eyed beauty. "I have waited for my mate for over a thousand years. However, now that you are here, my very existence is threatened. And so is yours."

Cleo's eyes widened the same time her brows furrowed. A thousand years? My existence is threatened? Heck, isn't my existence a threat?

"As an Archangel," Adiona continued, not a hint of emotion in her voice. "It is in my nature to protect. So I will proceed to be your bodyguard and eliminate all possible threats against you. However, no romantic relationship must emerge from this arrangement."

"But you're mated to each other." Blaire was incredulous as she held her hands up. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Wait, ok, hold up," Cleo was standing up now. "So all in all, you're agreeing to my terms? To forget this ever happened?"

Adiona raised a perfect brow. "No, I can never forget my only mate. Especially one that is female. However, for the safety of the both of us, I am here to protect you, and you must avoid becoming close to me. That's all I ask."

"Not a problem," Cleo said through clenched teeth. "As long as you stay the fuck out of my head, I won't bother you, and you do the same."

Blaire rolled her eyes. "Adiona, a fucking Archangel, centuries older than an angel, is assigned to do bodyguard duty, meets her mate, and makes the most ridiculous deal on the planet. Ignoring each other."

"I want to have nothing to do with her," Cleo crossed her arms. "How is this even going to work? I'll just be seeing Adiona's distractingly big-ass wings everywhere I work? No. I'll hire another bodyguard. I'll just say that she did her part of the deal."

Blaire shook her head. "The Council will still know."

"I don't really care what the Council thinks, to be honest," Cleo stood up. "Theyll be punishing Adiona, not me. Which is perfect."

Blaire sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose to ease her headache. "What Adiona feels, so will you."

"What?" Cleo was flabbergasted. She turned to Adiona. "Is that true? What do you mean?"

Her Archangel (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now