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Chapter Seventeen

Rydel's POV

Her mom had left them alone to go get her brothers and her father. It was time they met the newest member of their family.

"She looks like you" Ellington said to her, smiling. He hadn't left her side since the baby was born.

"You think so?" She blushed, unable to take her eyes off of the little being she held in her arms.

"Yea, I do. She has your eyes."

It was true. Of all the things the baby could have taken from her, it was the eyes. They were big, round, and hazel in colour. Beautiful.

"So what are you going to name her?" He asked. She sat up and looked at him.

She opened her mouth to speak, when the door opened revealing her family.

They had brought balloons that read 'It's a Girl!' and a stuffed animal that had a pink shirt on. She laughed when she saw it.

But Riker was carrying a box, a white box.

"What is that?" She asked him, sitting up in the bed.

"It's a birthday cake" he smiled, taking off his jacket.

"You bought her a birthday cake?" She laughed. It was a silly thought, but still, she loved it.

"It's not just for the baby" he smiled, sitting down on the end of her bed.

"April 14th, someone's 21st birthday" he looked over at Ellington. He blushed.

"I forgot what day it was" Ratliff smiled.

"Don't worry man, we didn't" Rocky answered, walking over to give his best friend a hug. "Happy Birthday man"

It was 9:17am. Her baby was born almost an hour before then. She shared a birthday with Ratliff. It was perfect.

Ratliff held the baby as they all sang to them. He kept talking to the baby, and pointing at the cake. Their bond was already forming.

He blew out the candles and they all cheered. He bent down and kissed the baby's forehead, then leaned over to where Rydel was sitting, and kissed her. Almost like a family.

"What did you wish for?" She asked him.

"If I tell you then it won't come true" he smiled at her, "But hopefully one day, it will come true. Then I can tell you"

She giggled. Dreams do come true, she thought, even if they take five years.

"Wait" Ryland interrupted. Everyone looked at him. "We still don't know her name!"

Everyone turned to Rydel. She laughed.

"I guess I forgot." She looked at Ratliff, he nodded at her.

She cleared her throat, then finally spoke.

"Ramona" she smiled, "Ramona Elizabeth..."

"Ratliff" Ellington finished for her. "Ramona Elizabeth Ratliff"

Her family smiled, her mom even cried.

"Ratliff eh?" Rocky spoke up, "Makin it official?"

"Well if I'm going to help care for her, then why not have my last name." Ellington said, like it was a no brainer.

"So then this is pretty serious" her dad said, pointing between the two of them.

"I guess so, yea" he responded.

Her dad kept eye contact, and walked up beside him. He finally laughed.

"Welcome to the family, officially, Ellington! I'd say take care of my daughter, but I know you already have."

It was too good to be true. Her family was all back together again. Everyone she loved was all in the same room. Ellington finally asked her to be his girlfriend, and she had her daughter. Life was perfect.

But eventually perfect dies.

Her family left, and Ratliff went to get them something to eat from the restaurant down the street.

She had just finished feeding Ramona, and now she lay peacefully in her bassinet. Rydel decided sleep was a good idea, so she laid down and closed her eyes.

That didn't last long. Before she knew it she hear footsteps in the room. She smiled, Ratliff was back.

She sat up and screamed. It wasn't Ratliff.

"Hello Delly" he smiled, he was missing a few teeth.

It was Calum.

Forever After ~ A Rydellington StoryWhere stories live. Discover now