6 | Chapter Six

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Kate's POV

The police came around immediately after I had reported her missing and they would try their best to find her. It's been three days and I've grown even more concerned about her.

Luckily today the same police man who's the head of the investigation and our family liaison officers had both came around to tell us they have a lead which their going to be following up and they believe it will lead them straight to Lucy, im hope it will since she's part of my world now and I don't think I could face loosening her.

Lucy's POV

When you don't know where you are it's always so hard to find out. First my birth mum kidnaps me and now she's threatening me that if I run she would make my life a living hell, I mean she's already made my life a living hell so she must be trying to make it even worse. Melody my birth mother has told me that she's going to move me further from the village and she wants to leave now but I don't want to, I want to go back to Kate.

I've been in the same clothes for three days now and it's starting to smell, all my clothes are in the flat with Kate and theirs probably no way I can get away from here, no way I can make myself safe. "LUCY GET YOUR THINGS AND GET INTO THE CAR NOW!" Mum shouts making me jump so I grab my bag as mum forces my to the car like she didn't trust me.

I immediately put my belt on as mum get in glaring at me, as she starts the car. Mum began to drive down the road when I realised their were blue flashing lights and a siren going off, I looked back and saw police chasing the car I presumed. Mum gradually begins to go faster and faster in the car and it was scaring me "please slow down" I cried shaking slightly

"Shut up, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you" mum snaps causing me to look at her confused. "How's this my fault!" I respond raising my voice "I'm not the one who escaped prison, im not the one who kidnapped her daughter. Oh and I'm not the one driving" I responded once again. "Don't talk to me like that young lady!" Mum screamed as the car began to go even faster. 

Mum took her eyes of the road for only a second before we were flying through the sky, we were spinning around and then car landed on its roof, that's all I remembered before I passed out.

Third person

Their were cars everywhere but the car which really mattered was beginning to smoke, in this car was Lucy and her birth mother, "right evreyone get back" a tall blond police woman called so evreyone did. Ambulances, fire Engine and more police arrived and immediately the fire crew began to work on the black over turned smoking car, Melody had soon been got out and was being taken to the hospital with a police officer.

The fire crew we're having trouble getting Lucy out of the car it took them longer than Melody but soon an unconscious Lucy was out the car and on a ambulance heading to weatherfield general hospital.

Lucy seemed to be in critical condition and was rushed to intensive care all while being hooked up to life support and breathing operators. Kate Connor was contacted and immediately dashed to the hospital to be at her adopted daughters bedside

Kate's POV

Sat at Lucy's bedside brought tears to my eyes, the doctors have to do many different tests on her and they can't tell me anything untill they know themselves. Aidan and dad came to keep me company but I was too worried about lucy

"She will pull through, we know that" my brother tried to reassure me but I just couldn't believe him. "This is her mums fault, she caused this" I began to speak just as the woman was brought in handcuffed to a police man "get out, it's your fault Lucy's in here, she told me you were trying to escape prison and I promised her you wouldn't take her, she would have been better if you weren't around" I began to loose it

"You have no right to talk to me like that, Lucy is MY daughter NOT yours" Melody shouts "just leave" I respond being held back by dad. I glanced back at her and saw they were leaving. I soon couldn't hold the tears back and left longer they came flowing out. "Mrs Connor we've got to take Lucy down for the scans and X-rays, you are welcome to come down with us or you can wait in the realities room" a nurse told me as she entered Lucy's hospital room.

I look to my dad and brother and they gave me a look as if to say it will be fine and do what I think is best. I decided to stay in the relatives room and wait for news.

A few hours later or so it felt Lucy was back in the room and I was once again by her bedside waiting for the results of the x-rat, scans and all the tests which had been done "she looks so fragile" I say to my dad since Aidan had gone home to inform evreyone who wanted to know what happened. "She will get better, she's a Connor not by blood but by love and she's got you the best mum she could ever have" dad reassured me and i forces a smile onto my face.

It was soon 10pm and a male nurse entered Lucy's hospital room "we've found out that Lucy's fractured her pelvis and when she's stable enough she'll have to have surgery. At the moment we are optimistic about her recovery but you might find it easier to prepare for the worst, even if Lucy is recovers theirs a chance that she won't walk again" the nurse tells me which brakes me "she might not walk again" I speak close to tears for the second time.

I phoned Aidan and told him what the nurse had just told us and he told Michelle who said she would come visit tomorrow, if it was fine with me. Obviously it was fine with me since Lucy and Michelle get along well and anythings better than sitting here all alone all day because theirs no chance of me leaving Lucy's side until she's better


OMG who expected that, obviously Lucy isn't going to die otherwise this book would be the most boring one I've ever written but will she be able to walk ever again, who knows

You'll have to find out next week in Adopted By Kate Connor


Jess xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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