Chapter 11

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I laid my head on the floor. As I felt myself drifting into a sleep.
"Get up" someone said kicking me.
I groaned.
"When I say get up, you get up" James said pulling my hair, which was matted with blood.
He picked me up by my hair.
He threw me in the back of a car, as I tried to fight him off. Which didn't work.
He took me to a new location. I kept trying to get myself free, but I couldn't.
We were driving for about 20 minutes before we got to where he was going.
He opened the trunk and ripped me out.
He took me to some place, it was house.
Somewhere in queens. There was a street sign that said "Westview St." I knew exactly where we were.
Our old home.
When he threw me onto the floor, I groaned.
He slammed the door and locked it. I was in a room, with no windows, just lights. I felt so alone and scared.
I cried and cried until I fell asleep.
~Narrator POV~
It was 10:30 am, everyone was in the squad room except for Reynolds.
"Does anyone know what time Reynolds is planning on getting here" Cragen asked everyone.
Everyone shook their heads and said 'I don't know'.
He let out a sigh of annoyance.
He went back into his office and called her cell.
No answer.
Called her house phone.
No answer.
"Okay, if she doesn't get here by 11:30, Liv and Amanda I want you to stop by her place and get her ass in here" he said and went back into his office.
They nodded their heads and gave him an 'okay'.
It was 11:45 am.
She still didn't show.
"Liv, Amanda check Reynolds place" Cragen said to them and they grabbed their stuff and headed out.
When they got to her apartment, they realized the door was slightly open.
They gave each other a look and pulled their guns out.
As they walked in they saw pictures, furniture, glass broken and all over the floor.
"Liv, there's blood... and a lot of it" Amanda said giving Olivia a concerned look.
"Call Cragen, and tell him we need CSU down here... now" Olivia said looking around while calling for Alex's name, hoping for a response.
But none.
"This is my fault... she told me something bad was happening" Amanda said shaking her head.
"This is not on you, Rollins. Whoever did this, we're gonna catch that son of a Bitch and we're get Alex back" Fin said giving her a small reassuring smile.
"I have feeling this was her brother... the one she won't tell us about" Nick said looking around her trashed apartment.
"Why do you say that?" Fin asked.
"Look at this... a whole stack of letters and messages written from James... 'watch your back', 'you shouldn't have left', look at this" nick said handing them to Olivia.
"Oh my god"  Olivia said, while shaking her head.
"Okay, so we know who took her. But we still need to know where the hell she is" Amanda said.
They all looked at each other. 
2 days later
~alex POV~
It's been a while.
James comes in here occasionally to beat or yell at me. But I slowly feel myself slipping away into the darkness. Hoping that I do soon.
~Olivia POV~
It's been 2 days and everyone is running around like headless chickens.
What if she's already dead?
What if we never find her?
Thoughts were running through our minds like crazy.
"James Reynolds doesn't live there anymore. Hasn't lived there in 6 years." Nick said as he walked back in with Fin taking off his coat.
"Then where the hell would he take her" Amanda said frustrated.
"Somewhere where they both know" Cragen said we all turned around and looked at him.
"He keeps saying 'why did you leave us', maybe he's taking her back home, so she can't leave them" Nick said slowly getting up.
We all looked at each other.
"Go, find out her old address and I'll call the SWAT team in" Cragen said.
Everyone broke and went to their desks to find out the address.
After a few minutes of looking, Amanda shouted
"I got it! 12 Westview Street, Queens" she said.
"Let's go" Cragen said and we all ran out.
We may have found her.

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