Chapter 4

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"Why would you do that to me?" He seethed.
"I'm giving the chance to walk away, before you do something you're gonna regret" I said warning him.
"Just tell me why you left... tell me why you left me with that monster-"
"Why you let him beat me everyday!" He yelled at me.
"Dan... shut up, okay, we'll talk about this another time" I said intensely.
I tried to walk away but he grabbed me and started chocking me against the wall.
"You left me with him! You did this to me! You did!" He screamed.
The door flung open, Nick and Fin ran in and ripped him off of me.
I was trying to catch my breath.
"Alex, you okay?!" Amanda said running to me along with Olivia.
"I'm okay" I said and Danny was still screaming at me while Fin and Nick had him on the ground putting handcuffs on him.
I walked out and Captain was standing there.
"Reynolds. You okay?" He asked concerned.
"I'm fine" I said walking away.
I just grabbed my stuff and left.
I was laying on the couch drinking wine and just listening to my music, coming through the stereo. I laid there with my eyes closed listening to the music.
It was my favorite song. 'Wish you were here' by Pink Floyd.
I yelled singing along.
I'll admit, I was drunk.
I kept yelling the lyrics as I got up and started to slowly dance around, drinking my wine.
When the song finished another come on.
I turned up all the way.
It was 'hey you' by Pink Floyd.
I was singing along.
Once I finished my glass of wine I went to the kitchen and grabbed the hard liquor and just drank form the bottle.
I came back into the living room, singing the lyrics while drinking the bottle and dancing.
I sang even louder. I was stumbling and singing drunkingly.
Someone knocked on the door and I kept singing as I got to the door.
When I opened it, it was Amanda.
"Oh hey Amanda!" I said with my drunk smile.
She looked down at the bottle and gave me an 'oh god' look.
"What're you doin here" I said over the music.
She stepped inside and went to the stereo and turned it off.
"Hey, I was listening to that" I said shutting the door, taking another swig from the bottle.
"Okay, I think you've had enough" she said grabbing it from my hands and putting it on the counter.
"Oh c'mon, don't be a party pooper" I said.
I went to to walk out of the kitchen, but I stumbled and almost fell. Amanda grabbed me before I could fall.
"Okay, it's time to go to bed" she said helping me.
"Nooo" I whined.
"Yes, you need to sleep this off" she said with a serious look.
"Stop being so serious all the time. See my own brother tried to kill me today, but you don't see me crying" I said.
She looked at me with sympathy written in her eyes.
She didn't say anything, just helped me into my room and then put me in my bed.
"Just... go to sleep Reynolds" she said shaking her head.
She threw a blanket over me and shut the light off.
~Amanda POV~
I closed the door to her room and just let out a big sigh.
I called liv.
"Benson" she said I to the phone.
"Hey it's Amanda" I said frustrated.
"hey, How is she, she okay?" Olivia asked.
"Oh, she's more than okay" I said sarcastically.
"What do you mean?"
"I came to her apartment, and she was drunk.. like really drunk liv. I just put her into bed" I said rubbing my temples.
"Oh god" she said sighing.
"Just hope she makes it to work on time tomorrow" I said chuckling.
"Yeah, that's a major doubt" Olivia laughed.
"I think I'm gonna stay here for a while, just to make sure she's alright" I said to her.
"Okay... good luck" she said.
"Thanks" I chuckled.
"Alright, well, Good night"
"Night liv" I said and hung up.
I stood there for a second before looking around her apartment.
There were pictures of her friends. But none were of her family.
One of them was of the whole squad. It was a cute picture.
There was one picture that caught my eye.
It was of a her and some guy, he was in an army uniform. Wonder who that is.
As I looked around more, I saw more photos of him and her and there was one where they were kissing.
Okay, probably her boyfriend.
Her apartment didn't have much, but definitely no pictures of her parents or family that's for sure.

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