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You went to bed and fell asleep. You fell into a deep sleep and had the worst nightmare you've ever had.  

Your P.O.V

I woke up sweating. All I remember was Anthony. I knew it was a dream, so I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't sleep without picturing it in my mind.

Your Dream

You were walking home until you suddenly saw Anthony.

"Hey Anthony! Wanna come to my house?" I said.

"Sure. Why not? I don't have anything better in my life! Haha, lol. What time?" Anthony asked.

"What about..5:30 or 6?" I said.

"Okay. I'll be there! See you then! Bye!" He yelled with a little smirk.

"Bye!" I screamed.

I quickly ran home and cleaned my room so he knows I'm not a slob. I shoved stuff under my bed and into my closet. I ran downstairs and made food until I heard a deathly scream from across the street.

I ran outside to see someone laying in the road and a truck in front of the body. I ran over to see the body. It was Anthony!

" no no no no! Not him! This can't be happening!" I screamed.

"Ma'am. Will you please step away from the body?" The police man said.

"No! H-He's my friend! His name is Anthony Padilla! He goes to school with me! He's sweet and kind and a really happy person. I don't want him to be gone. He's the person that actually keeps," I said starting to cry.

"I'm sorry, but you have to step away. We'll take it from here," The police man said grabbing me softly by the shoulders.

I started balling. I could barely breathe. It was so hard. My only best friend was gone...what am I gonna do now...

You woke up crying. You instantly called Anthony.

"Anthony! Are you awake?" I said worried.

"Well...I am now," He said with a low voice.

"I had a dream...and it wasn't a good one," I started to cry while talking.

"Oh no...what happened?" He said concerned.

"You died in it...I woke up sweating and crying," I said sobbing quietly.

"Oh no! I'm sorry," Anthony said.

"Thanks. I got to go. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and so that I don't wake my parents up. Good-night. Bye," I said.

"Bye. Sweet dreams," Anthony said.

You both hung up and went to sleep.


HEY!! Well, I search something up earlier today and it turns out, Anthony's full name is Daniel Anthony Padilla. Not Anthony Padilla, Daniel Anthony Padilla. You might've already known that, but I just wanted to say that.

I Love You... (Anthony Padilla x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now