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hey :)

thanks for reading . . ?

so ! first of all, i make typos a lot . and im sorry about that . i'll review my drafts before i post  . and second, to those mobile readers . i seriously recommend that you read this sht on PC 'coz its easier to understand . but if you insist, ITS ALL ABOUT THE CAPITALIZATIONS, PUNCTUATION MARKS AND SPACES BEFORE AND AFTER PUNCTUATION MARKS . when a letter is in CAPS and its the first letter of a sentence, that means its a conversation . when a punctuation mark doesn't have a space beside it (on the left) and if its beside the last letter of a sentence, that means its a conversation . and please please, don't forget to check who's POV your reading so you won't get  confused :)

and no. matt is NOT a vampire  . . . he just says that coz he just likes TheVampireDiaries :)) lawl

lawl . that took a while . sorry :/

just a little reminduh :)

keep reading . vote . like . become a fan ! ! . i would seriously say thank you :)



goov morning :)

lawl . im actually expecting a stickynote from sophie . mhmp . where ish it ? >.<

oh well . imma just see it later . i bet . and hope . D:

yawn :O 

walk to the bathroom . showuhh .

dry up . *towel towel* D:

gedd in mah blue boxer shorts . and socks . and undershirt .

now . what to wear ? mhm .

i opened my closet . 


another one ! :>

it was on the closet door .

What to wear? What to wear? Nahh. Be yourself homie. ;)  -sophie

i want summore of these . honestly . and like look who's talking ? the guy who thinks this stuff won't work . lol . 

okay . be mahself homie ? mhm . okay . fine .

i got on denim jeans . white v-neck shirt . sneakers . my usual neon green ones . and mah beauchiful blonduh hawwr ♥

put axe on . ruffle up hair . *DO IT THE MATT WAY* *LIKE A BOSS*

i still got some more stickaaaynotes on Day21-24 :D 

i love em .



damn . bad mornin . i fell off my bed . ugh .

at least its a saturday . and i dunno what to do today . might as well stay here and sleep or eat . 

check mah room if there be stickaaaaynotes 'round here .

search mah room .

nope . none . 

mhmp . i feel sort of sad there aren't any stickynotes :/

coz they made me smile a lot . i think im geddin better . . ? lol .

walk downstairs . the tv's on . 

Sponge-gehbob Squarepaaaaaaants! *whistling the spongebob theme song end*

aghck .

Just right infront of you (:Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon