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oh god . finally . a friday . . .

without school ?

better .:DD

seth was waiting for me outside my house, skating in circles . weirdo . as the usual . :)

we were going to the skatepark with joe, carson and soph .

i got OUR shirt on . mine was green . seth's is orange "coz its the color of Cheetos!" weirdo :) .

our shirts had an arrow to the head and under the arrow had SKATER on it . at the back said SKATERS R AWESUMM, LIVE WITH IT

.. like o.o

epic shirt is epic  D: .


i raced towards the stairs, grabbing my board . seth was sitting on his now . 

* FWOOOOT * . <-- wolf whistle. 

then he got up like supeeer fast . standing straight for a seth - reason . he's really alert like that . awesome :D

he followed me to the park . we skated through the streets, ignoring those rough sounds our skateboards brought out .

skating . skating . skating . skatingggg . look . a pebble . :D

still skating . 


then i felt a spasm run through my leg . oh god . not now . not again, not here .

i fell off my board, to the ground . ouch . grabbing my left leg .

ARGGGH! i cried . 

seth stopped to my side, Dude! You okay??

i looked at him . my eyes were like O__O, Do i seriously look okay to you right now? 

he rolled his eyes, Haven't you drank your medicine today *Matthew*? 

with a matching annoying english accent . . . WTH ?

oh god . i hate being called that . . oh please, my name is Matt . M-A-T-T . spell it right . :l

i haven't Sir. i muttered, still grabbing my leg .

like OUUUUCH . my leg . hurts like hell . ouch :(

his fake accent was gone . his voice turned usual again, just harsher O.O

Its your fault then. Get up. he pulled me up . 

ouch . ouch . ouch . it hurts .


i still managed to skate to the park . 

soooo . . . we were at the skatepark now . my eye caught some guy doing an ollie . he wore a bright red helmet and another shirt that said " SKATER " .

joe . it was joe . i bet seth's life on it . plus i would never bet on my life ;)

at his back, sophie and carson . yay :)

they're watching and waiting . and they're watching and waiting and watching and waiting and watching and waiting  . . . reminds me of phineas and ferb ._.

they were on the sixth ramp ahead of us . i walked to the ramp and seth wasn't beside me anymore . damn . i lost him again . i kept walking straight to the ramp .

I'll catch up with you guys later! somebody shouted from my back . seth's voice .

i turned around . whaaat ? ? he like shouted like 10 steps away from me . weirdo . 

Dude, you're like seconds away from me. i said emotionless

he shrugged, Just go. I'll follow undah-stand? 

trying to annoy me again . i just nodded . ignoring his unconvincing annoyance ^_^

 i skated with carson, joe and soph . no sign of seth . where was that kid ? out for like almost an hour  .


done boarding . i sat on the ramp . on the veeery top . i felt tireeeed . i just watched people go back and forth on the ramp . 

sophie stopped and sat beside me, How you been, Matt?

I'm alright. Thank you very much. i lied . and i bet it was convincing . i hope .

 i chatted with her about things . its a thing we do . :)

then she cut me

Can i have your dogtag??

like whaaat? o.o

soph, are you going weird too now?

i looked at her, my face was like WHAAAAT?  O__O,  Why??

Because it's annoying. she answered me .

omg . has seth infected her now ? ? AAAAAAAAAH D:

i raised a brow . 

So can i have it?? Just gonna borrow. Pleeeeeeeease? she asked again . now she sounded like a child . . . and SHE PUT ON PUPPY DOG EYES ! ? wth ? ( but they look really awesome on her 'coz she has like HEEEE-UGE glasses >:D )

argh . fine . 

im still confused with my crazy-weirdo-bestfriend-who-suddenly-asks-for-my-dogtag but i took it off and handed it to her . i don't want people to think i have a crazy bestie staring at me through her glasses o_o

-then i skated again-

seth came out of nowhere . 

Yo! I'm back! he howled D:

people were just staring at him then they ignored him shortly after that . i stopped boarding . threw my board on the floor and walked up to him . soph went back skating .

 i picked up seth from the crowd there, Where've you been!? i spit out as we walked .

he didn't answer . i think he was waiting til we got to the ramp . we were on the ramp now . all three of them were waiting . sophie, carson and joe . 

Where. Have. You. Been? carson asked him .

he looked at us . like all of us .

then he opened his bag . took out something orange .

ugh . 

cheetos . :/ as the usual . 

then he flashed us a guilty little grin on his face .

ugh . one word . ---> VORACITY . 

he's never full . he eats a lot but still well toned . weirdest kid i've ever met .


we skated for maybe like 2 more hours after lunch . 


my watched beeped as i was going down our ramp . i kicked up my board when i was on the bottom, i checked my watch . 


damn .  time is so fast nowadays . which is awesome . well 3:30 already . gotta go home .

i  paid my part for the ramp rent . then all of them waved at me . i made a little glower with my eyes to sophie . flickering them to the dogtag sling hanging outside her pocket . 

Yes, Matt. Whatever. she shrugged uncaringly .

i skated mah way home .

Just right infront of you (:Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon