2. Second Chances

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I currently sat on the cold metal bleachers of the lacrosse field, watching as coach told Jackson he was playing defense.

Now, I feel like we've discussed the ways of my dear friend Jackson to know he is not the nicest person. He had just knocked Scott down and coach approached him, "McCall, my grandmother can move faster than that and she's dead. You think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

I chuckled from my place on the bleachers, looking down at the English homework I was doing, scrunching up my eyebrows as i stared at the slightly confusing question.

"Yes coach." Scott states standing up and walking to do a redo.

"Then do it again." I then closed my book, putting it in my backpack and moving to the edge of bleacher.

"Come on Scott." I mumbled as coach yelled how he was going to do it again.

He ran forward, ramming into Jackson and I immediately stood up, a hand flying to cover my mouth as I stood in a state of shock. Seeing Jackson clutching his shoulder was enough for me to run forward off of the bleachers, the high heeled boots of mine suddenly seeming like a horrible idea as the sank easily into the damp ground.

"Jackson!" I yelled out as I dropped next to him, removing his helmet and trying to get a look at his shoulder.

"Hey! No girls on the field." coach yelled as I looked up at him.

"Well, that's too bad because I have first aid training." I looked back down as Jackson let out a groan. "Alright, it's either dislocated or separated but I can't really tell. He needs to go see a doctor. Jackson, I need the keys to your Porsche." He looked at me as if I had grown a third head.

"I'm not giving you he keys to my car." I sighed and looked up at Danny and he nodded, running over to grab his keys and my bag.

"Come on, help me carry him." Danny walked to the other side of Jackson grabbing his uninjured shoulder and walking towards the car.

I followed behind them, searching the field for Scott, but there was no sign of him, neither him nor Stiles.


I walked through the door of my house, dropping my bag and keys into the bowl near the door, and slipping my shoes off.

"Marta!" I yelled for the housekeeper, my voice echoing off the glass walls. "Marta!" I walked towards the kitchen and walked to see a note on the fridge.

"Had a dentist appointment, house is clean fridge and pantry is stocked. see you next month for check in. Marta." I sighed, crumpling up the note and throwing it into the trashcan. I walked upstairs, deciding I needed a shower after the long day I've had.

I was soon standing in the shower, the hot water running over me, my thoughts going back to last night. That guy Derek was extremely sketchy, and I really don't like the fact that he drove Allison home.

Speaking of Allison, she'd old me earlier how she was going to give Scott a second chance and I honestly don't know to feel. He left her at the party, with no explanation, and then proceeded to not give an explanation today.

I ran my hands through my now wet hair and shut off the water, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around myself.

My phone rang and I looked to see it was Allison.

"Hello?" I asked through the phone as I began drying myself off.

"Hey, so you're coming to the game Saturday right?" She whispered slightly as she spoke.

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