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Kaoru's View

We looked at the screen, out eyes glued to what would be shown to us. This could either be a very big clue of Tomoyo's whereabouts or just some nonsense given to us by an idiot. I was really hoping it was the first one rather than my second thought. I bit my lip and inched forward towards the screen. Asuma fiddled with his fingers nervously, as we both waited patiently for something to appear on the damn screen.

'Ah, seems like I'm having some connection errors.'

I narrowed my eyes at the camera. 'Connection errors, really? Out of all times, why now?' I seethed.

"Hurry up. I don't want anything to do with your foolish games. I just want to get this over with already." I muttered out coldly.

'Ahahaha, calm yourself  or I won't even show you what I am willing to show...'

I clicked my tongue and shut my mouth. Asuma glanced over at me from the corner of his eyes and smiled sadly. "It'll be fine, Kaoru. Let's just put our faith in whoever this is for now, alright?" He said.

I sighed, "Fine."

'Oh ~ Seems like I managed to get back in. Lucky!'

Asuma sighed in relief, "That's great!" He said.

I pursed my lips together. Staring at the computer screen, I watched with narrow eyes. 'Come on already...'

'Here we go!'

The screen glowed a bright blue and continued to change every now and then.

'Enjoy the show...'

Finally, we had our first lead... We were just one step closer now. I'm coming Tomo.


The person on the screen walked around the room, pacing back and forth impatiently. They looked like they were ready to lash out at someone. You could see them breathe in and out heavily. I took this as my chance to examine their looks. They had white hair that was below shoulder length and super choppy. It looked like someone had grabbed a pair of scissors and cut straight through their hair. The person was also wearing a tan jumpsuit.

"If they don't come in here in two minutes or less, I'm going to go crazy." They muttered.

Biting their fingers, their head twitched to the side slightly. "Where are they..." They mumbled out.

That was when the door opened and it immediately slammed shut. The sound of the several locks placed on the door shutting once again rung through the computer's speakers.

"Hello." The voice echoed.

The person smiled.  "Hello..." They answered.

They sat down in the seat that was in the middle of the room. 

'This is how it usually was. They would sit down in this very chair and listen to what the person on the intercom had to say. They were on the other side of the glass mirror, just watching them. They wanted to see what they would do, how they would react. That right there, the person you see, is a little test subject to them.'

Asuma and I cringed. Who the hell was using this poor person as a test subject? What were they using this person to test anyways?

"How are you doing today? Are you better than last time, Subject 8234?" They asked.

The one being shown nodded vigorously, "Yeah! I'm way better than last time. I can prove it!" They exclaimed.

"Then show us."

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