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Haruhi's View 

I walked down the narrow hallway and pursed my lips together tightly at the image of that boy that was standing outside the schools gates. He looked very familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on who he was exactly. Furrowing my eyebrows together, I thought back to all the boys I had in my classes with dark hair. I do remember one boy who looked exactly like the one outside the gate, but he was from a year ago. I shrugged my shoulders. If he really was a classmate of mine, I must not have spoken to him throughout the year. 

I glanced to the right and spotted the door that led to the Host Club's room. I smiled. Making my way towards the door, I placed my hands on it and pushed it open. The feeling of excitement and grieve rushing through me. Entering the Host Club was fun, I had to admit it, but at times it could almost become a chore. A chore that I hate with all my heart. Still, who could hate the guys for more than a day or two?

"Welcome!" The Host Club members chorused. 

I smiled.

No one could hate them.

"Hi, senpai." I greeted Tamaki-senpai.

Tamaki smiled and me and walked away without any word. I rose an eyebrow at this. This wasn't normal for Tamaki-senpai. Normally he'd come up to me and say something weird then crush me with his arms. Did something happen while I was gone? Everyone was silent today. Not one of the guys were talking. 

"Hikaru, Kaoru?" I asked.

Nothing. They looked down at the ground with their head hung low.

"Kyoya-senpai?" I tried.

He did nothing but glance at me with a dull look. I winced and looked away. Maybe Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai will know what's going on. I walked over to where they would treat their customers. They were both glaring at the wall. Was everyone like this?!

"Honey-senpai... Mori-senpai! Would either of you please tell me what's going on?!" I exclaimed, getting aggravated with the way they were acting.

They both turned to me so suddenly, their dark and dull breaking through my barrier. I backed away in fear. At this point, I was scared for my life. Sometime was definitely wrong and no one wanted to talk about it.

"There's a new boy attending the school."

I turned around to see Renge standing there with a small frown haunting her lips.

"A new boy? What's so special with this boy that everyone is acting like the end of the world is upon us?" I blurted out, glaring at her with my arms crossed. I was expecting an answer, no...waiting for her answer.

She bit her lip and glanced left and right nervously. Renge clenched the sides of her dress and squeezed her eyes shut.

"He's...he's demanding that we let him join the Host Club. And seeing that is obviously a threat, the members of the Club didn't take it so well. They're all in a state of shock as you can see. From what I know, they've never received a threat like this." She explained thoroughly, keeping her eyes on the floor at all times.

"They see a small demand like that as a potential threat? Are you being serious right now, Renge?" I asked incredulously. I was dumbstruck.

She nodded rapidly, "Of course I am!" She retorted.

I sighed. Isn't this just sad? The Host Club was really childish at times. Walking closer to Renge, I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at her.

"Who's this boy anyways?" I asked.

She shook her head, "He won't give his name up. He stated that we let him join the Host Club and then he would tell us his name." She replied.

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