Dun Dun DUUNNN! The Friendzone

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Wow! it's been a long time since I've last been on here! I'm time has been full of watching Doctor who and making christmas gifts...since ya know I'm too poor to buy nice things for everyone. But On with the Show!! and. Here. We. Go!

So I haven't really thought about this until recently, but girls aren't the only ones that friend zone people!! Any time you think about the friendzone, you think about girls putting guys in the friendzone. It's a rarity for people to admit that guys put girls in the friendzone as well. Everyone is always saying how girls are confusing and if they just came out and said how they felt, everything would be better. What about the guys? This of course, is from recent personal experience...

I was introduced to this guy and thought it was going pretty well, he lives in another state so I haven't been able to meet him face to face. He tells my friend, who introduced us, that he felt we didn't have enough in common.... Then he goes and tells me that "he doesn't need sleep if he is talking to me." and that "I can text him anytime and he will answer." I just don't understand this... Guys are just as confusing as girls!

Guys are constantly putting Girls in the Friendzone, and they can't deny it! For me though, the whole friendzone thing is stupid.... When guys talk about being put in the friendzone, it's mostly about how the girl is a bitch and "How dare she not be interested in me!" Really?! if someone isn't interested, they are just not interested! It doesn't make them a jerk. Too many people try to be the friend first and hope that the other person will at some point fall for them... I think that if you find them attractive and actually want to date rather than be friends, then ask that person out on a date. 

Some times it's different, like for me, I didn't and still don't have a whole lot of expectations from this guy I'm talking to. We could either become friends or maybe more, but I didn't go into it as if I expected him to want to date me. I went into this with the attitude of whatever happens, happens.... If I'm friendzoned, cool! I dont plan on moving away from my family, so being just friends works for me. 

so I'm trying to decide if I want to post this other realization I had...... I don't want to cause an arguement, or make anyone think that I have issues with people who are gay. I have Gay friends and believe they deserve to have the same rights as straight people.... if I do decide to post it, please don't take offence to it or hate me. 

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