Chapter 2 - In the Middle of a Nightmare

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Chapter 2:

The Present

     I blinked rapidly as I woke up, aware of a bright light shining on my face. Where am I? I wondered.

     Suddenly I was more awake as I realized I could feel thick leather bands around my ankles, upper legs, wrists and chest, strapping her to a cold, metallic surface. Why wasn't I at home in bed? I panicked, pulling on the restraints and trying to pull out of them. Then it came back; all of it. The footsteps, the men, being kidnapped. I felt overwhelmed with despair and tears fell in fear of what - I didn't know.

     After about ten minutes my tears slowed and I calmed my breathing, determined to explore my  prison. I turned my head to the left and saw that the room's walls, like the ceiling, were pure white wallpaper, without any cracks or faults. It was seriously creepy. Harsh flourescent lights glared down from the ceiling onto more tables lined up next to mine and I gasped, seeing that I wasn't alone.

     The one closest to me held a young boy, probably about thirteen, who was still dressed in his pajamas and who was still sleeping, his breathing quiet and steady. I almost envied his ignorance, but felt sorry for him when he would wake up. I didn't recognize him, but also didn't want to. An IV connected to a bag of clear liquid entered his right forearm and a quick glance at my arm confirmed that I had one two, making me shudder. Ever since I had first gone to a doctor I had never liked needles. I could see the legs of four more tables through the gap below the boy's table, but couldn't lift my head high enough to see, so I turned my head to the right to explore more of the room.

     I turned my head to the right and gasped again. There was a large sink standing next to a glass cabinet holding all sorts of tools. They looked like deadly weapons or medieval torture devices, and multiple knots formed in the pit of my stomach as I wondered what they would possibly be used for.

     Now I was really afraid, now knowing where I was, but also knowing that there was no way to escape. I looked around frantically, but in vain, to see if there was some magical saviour who whould rescue me. But there was no one in the room but her and the other five prisoners.

     I laid my head back resignedly onto the cold, metal table. There was nothing I could do, nothing. Deciding a little more rest might be the best course of action, encouraged by the heaviness of my eyelids, I fell back asleep and dreamed of the days of my childhood, when Leanne and I had gone swimming together, fishing together, gone shopping for crazy costumes, all the normal things we had done. And I yelled a silent cry as it was all swept away in a flood of blackness.


     I woke to the sound of the door opening. Starting, I raised my head slightly so I might get a glimpse of whoever had entered the room, but there was no one. The bright beacon that had been shining on my face earlier had gone out and the only source of light in the room was a dull blue glow that looked like it was coming from the walls. My heart pumped frantically as my eyes darted around, trying to make out a shape, or maybe even a shadow of a figure attempting to hide. Again, my searching proved fruitless. I tried slowing my breathing; maybe it had just been my imagination.

     As soon as this thought entered my head however, a voice spoke from right behind me, just out of my vision.

     "I see you're awake," The voice was soft, soothing, almost like a parent's. It made me want to forget all my worries and just trust blindly. "Let's see what my master wants to do with you shall we?" 

     All ideas of trust zoomed from my mind/ This whatever-it-was worked for him and there was no way I could trust anything that had kidnapped me and pumped an unknown substance into my body. "Let's not and say we did, how about it?" I answered testily, gritting my teeth in anger. 

     "Ah, one with a sense of humor. You are strong, Miss... " I heard the sound of papers rustling. "...Volraine."

     Shivers went down my spine as he spoke my last name. He said it with contempt, yet there was a hint of curiosity behind his words, as though I was an anomaly he couldn't unravel.

     "What do you want with me?" I had to fight to keep my voice from breaking.

     "I am only here to do my master's bidding Miss Volraine. I know not what his plans for your future are. But I darsay they will be quite... informative, in the long run." I could hear the smirk spread across his face and knew he was hiding something.

     "But why me? What's so special about me?" I tried to sound innocently curious, hoping to get some answers, but failed miserably, my voice coming out desperate and scared.

     He chuckled, and when he did it froze me to the bone, the sound high and cold. "You are in posession of something my master... " He paused as though searching for the right word. "Desires. I believe you will be of great use to him. Now let us move on."

     "And I'm sure whatever it is will be great fun." I monotoned, my voice positively dripping with sarcasm. "Will we see your beloved master?"

     "Now let's not be hasty, that comes in a few days. But what you should know now is that there is no escaping from Windria Fortress. No one knows where you are, and even if they suspected it, they would not make it far into the peaks without expert help." I could positively hear his smirk. "Now I will remove the band around your chest, allowing you to sit up for my examination. We can't have too free, now can we?"

     "I suppose not, sir." I growled, pouring as much contempt into the single syllable word as humanly possible. Then I noticed the other tables stood empty. The boy and the others were gone. "Where did the others go? What have you done with them?" I asked, trying to sound menacing, but my voice breaking as I tried to hold back tears of fear.

     "They have simply moved onto more permanent quarters. This area is merely a holding room that could be used for practical purposes if the need arises."

     I really didn't want to think about what "practical purposes" were. As whoever was behind me undid my chest strap allowing me to sit up, I caught a glimpse of him. He definitely looked human, but something was different. Then I realized he had a tail and that leopard spots covered his arms, ending with abnormally pointy nails on his hands.

     "What I mean who are you?" I asked tentatively.

     "Well, I used to be like you, a young child in Galaciale. Young and ignorant. Now however, after I have come to Windria fortress and learned the Master's secrets, I have grown in knowledge and understanding, and hope to pass it on to those less-fortunates brought here. People like you." he smiled a wide, condemning smile. He had perfect, straight, white teeth that glinted in the soft light.

     "But the spots-"

     "Not only did I learn things... he changed me.... for the better." he spoke the last three words with respect and awe. He smiled his creepy, sinister smile again. I decided he was absolutely, most definitely, crazy. 

     "So, you know my name, but what's yours?" 

     "My.. name?" he seemed bewildered.

     "Yeah, I just wanted to know what to call you, if I ever needed to."

     "My-my name is - was - Lance."

     "Was?" I asked skeptically.

     "Yes. Was. Now, enough of me, wait here while I get some assistance." He snapped, shaking off my gaze as he strode out the door, leaving me hunched over a little bit, terrified at what might come.


Chapter Edited.***

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