Déjà vu

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Bellwethers shrill laugh rung in the ears of every mammal in the room, including Jackson.

"Oh, Jackson. You're so idiotic it's hilarious! Maybe it was right of me to nickname you Savage since you can't control your anger and you never will. Face facts, Burrows. I made you what you are. You would've gone nowhere in that agency if it wasn't for me paying your way through and you trying to intimidate everybody. If it wasn't for me you'd be homeless somewhere living in a box under a bridge or dead in a hole!—although.....we've already discussed this. Haven't we?" Bellwether snickered as she took a few steps towards Jack.

Jackson's paws shook as he held the gun straight up towards the sheep as she approached him. He continuously looked over to the side, as if he were purposely avoiding eye contact.

"You would've never of even met Skye if it wasn't for me. And, oh look. She's nothing but a bag of bones drifting off to nowhere in the savage seas. I know it must be hard for you to find out she's gone, but it'll hit even harder when you realize that the little beach side shop you'd buy the tools you needed to deliver to me for serum guns was only a mere one hundred feet away from where we had dumped her body." Bellwether stated as she adjusted her glasses.

The other mammals in the room, including bellwethers rams, all stared at Jack. Waiting for his reaction. Although, he didn't have one. Well, not a physical one at least.

His eyes were wide, as well as red as the shaking in his paws grew even more spastic by what seemed like seconds. His ears had flattened and bellwether calmly made her way towards him. Smiling.

"Oh. You rabbits, you look so....strange when your mad. But nonetheless. Now that you're......emotional....." Bellwether had started on another track, but switched gears after getting distracted by how close Agent Fawkes and Nick had been standing together, side by side.

"Oh. Well. What's this?" Bellwether smirked and glared back at Judy before taking a few steps towards Nick and Agent Fawkes.

"What do we have here? And fox? And a vixen? But, the fox is engaged to the bunny who's tied to the chair, who got raped by the bunny with a gun, who used to date the other bunny tied to the chair, who was former partners with the vixen. And now the vixen and the fox are having a secret relationship behind the other bunny's back which whom the fox is engaged too." She explained before laughing sarcastically.

"We are not dating." Nick scowled down at the sheep. The 'secret relationship' being the only thing Nick got out of bellwethers entire few seconds of rambling.

"Right-right, and I wasn't the former assistant mayor of Zootopia." She chuckled softly.

"You were more of a secretary." Agent Smith blurted out from her seat.

"You said it yourself, Dawn. Your political status is ruined. You're never stepping foot in a public office again....I can't even believe there isn't a man hunt out there for you this second." Nick scoffed as he placed one of his paws on his hip and grabbed out his pistol, although, Judy seemed to flinch more at its sight then Bellwether, who barley batted an eyelash.

"With a couple of hundreds and a few promises, you can get yourself places. I'm sure you know the details of those types of situations don't you, Mr. Wilde? Or should I call you Slick?" Bellwether smirked again as she reached her hoof up and used that as a distraction, being that when Nick pointed his gun up towards her hoof, Bellwether easily leaned forward and kicked Nick in the knees, causing him to fall backward. But that also caused Nick to pull the trigger, forcing a bullet shooting out of the pistol and somewhere way, way, back in the warehouse, luckily not hitting anybody.
But the blast of the gun was so loud and startling, it snapped Jack back to reality for a second. He looked straight ahead and saw both Judy and Agent Smith tied up. But he also so rams blocking his path from reaching them. He then remembered he had a gun in his hand. He had a gun in his hand.

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