What Would've Really Happened At the Dance

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A/N So since Henry and Violet never got the chance to go to the school dance, we decided that we should have a scenario in which Regina had never split herself in half and there was normality in Storybrooke for once (and yes that was a pun, if you don't get the pun, just take another look, you'll get there). So here's some VioletBeliver for you guys who have been lacking in it.

Ava and Violet were walking to class when Henry caught up with them.

"Hey guys," he said somewhat nervously, "Are you excited about the dance?"

Ava smirked, "What kind of question is that? The school is buzzing about it. It's practically illegal to not be excited about it."

Henry chuckled nervously and turned to Violet, "So since I heard you're not busy that night, I thought we could um... it would be fun if..." He glanced to Ava for help but she was just leaning back watching him struggle.

"Yes I'll go to the dance with you." Violet said after Henry felt like he was no longer capable of speech.

Henry sighed in relief and smiled awkwardly, "Ok, now that I have some of the weight off of my shoulders, I'm going to change the topic before I say anything stupid."

Ava nodded, "Good luck with that. But I'm pretty sure teenage boys are pretty much known for saying stupid things."

The trio continued walking to class. When they got there, they sat in their seats, which were conveniently next to Nicholas and Grace's.

When they sat down, it had looked like Nicholas and Grace had been talking about something urgent, but when they saw Henry, Ava, and Violet, Nicholas immedietly stopped talking.

"What were you guys just saying?" Ava asked as she plopped down next to her brother.

Grace shrugged, "Nicholas was going to ask me something, but he said it wasn't important when you guys came."

Ava looked questioningly at her brother, but he revealed nothing.

"Ok class. Quiet down now," Snow said to quiet down her class as soon as the bell rang, "I know you're obviously so excited for this lesson. This giant growing wave elation has nothing to do with any upcoming dances."

Henry rolled his eyes at his grandmother's sarcasm as Snow wrote School Dance on the board.

"Since I know for a fact that most of you are too hyped up on anticipation that there's absolutely no way you'll be able to actually fill you're heads with knowledge, I thought that I shouldn't try to force it," Snow said as she smiled and took a seat at her desk, "But that doesn't mean it's a free day."

The class groaned from their shattered hopes about a free class, but not too loudly as they didn't actually have to learn today.

"Instead of a lesson, we're going to talk about the things we're planning to do at the dance, or what we're looking foreword to doing," Snow announced as she subtly glanced at Henry, who in turn, blushed.

"Well," Ava said, not waiting to be called on, "I'm looking foreword to going to with Nicholas and Grace as an Unstoppable Dance Buffet Eating Hurricane. Who needs a date when you can just hang out with your friends and eat as much free food as you can?"

Snow chuckled, "So it's just you three? What about Violet and Henry?"

Ava wiggled her eyebrows at her blushing friends, "Well I already figured that these two love birds were going together, so I wasn't going to dictate them into a 'just friends' plan."

Henry was ready to melt into a puddle when he saw that Snow was subtly texting someone under her desk and he realized that it was probably one, or both of his moms.

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