Noah and ben's gift

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Kaylee and I ran to up each other
"Kaylee I need to talk to you"
"Sam I need to talk to you" she said at the same time
"Good we both have to talk to each other" I said closing the doors to the rec room no one was in there
"I need to tell you mine first" she said I nodded and she pulled out Noah's boat from the camping trip
"Noah's boat" I asked she nodded
"Did you read it" I asked she nodded again
"What do you need to talk about" she asked and I pulled out Ben's boat
"Ben's boat" she asked I nodded
"Did you read it" she asked
"How could I not" I replied
"Let me see it" she said I handed it to her and when she read it her eyes widened
"I wish Sam would stay at the lodge so I wouldn't have to lose her she's more than a sister to me" she read out loud
"Are you gonna stay" Kaylee asked
"Are you" I asked
"What do you mean" she asked
"I know what Noah's boat said I'll answer" I replied
"No I'm not staying" she said looked hurt at her
"Music school is my dream" she said I nodded
"Can I tell you a secret" I asked
"I was think of trying out for music school so I could stay here" I whispered
"So you are staying" she asked
"I wanna be here and Ben said I could get in" I replied
"What are you gonna do about Ben" she asked
"What are you gonna go about Noah"
"You tell me first"
"I got an idea"
"I'm all ears"
"Why don't we give them a box with the boat in it and tell them not to open it until you go to music school I ether go with you or home" I said
"Genus" Kaylee replied
"Hey guys" I said as Kaylee and I walked into the lobby with the box behind my back
"Hey" Ben said
"We have something for you" Kaylee said as I handed them the box
"What's this for" Noah asked taking the box
"I'm in the top 5 to get into music school" I said
"That's great" Ben said hugging me
"Well my final audition is at the concert" I replied
"But it's most likely she's getting in" Kaylee finished
"And if I don't get in I'm leaving anyways so we wanted to give you a gift" I said Noah and Ben went to open it
"But" I said stopping them
"Don't open it until we leave" I said
"why" Ben asked
"Because" I replied
"Wait did you tell Sean you're leaving" Noah asked
"Shit" I mumbled
"Why to make life hard Noah" I said
"I'll be back" walking out of the lodge
I knocked on the door and Sean answered
"Sam what are you doing here" he asked
"Can I talk to you outside" I asked
"Yeah is everything alright" he asked stepping out closing the door behind him
"I really have to talk to you some is good but other isn't" I said
"Good stuff first" he said
"I'm in top 5 for music school" I replied
"Like the one Kaylee is going to" he Asked I nodded
"But that means i won't be at the lodge next summer" I finished
"You're leaving" he asked
"Yes. No, I don't know I don't wanna leave you Skye Noah ben but what if I get in" I asked he looked down then back up
"Then you go" he said
"What" I asked
"I'm not gonna stop you and no one else would ether" he said
"No I'm not going I'm canceling the audition" I said
"When is it" he asked
"At the concert and I'm not doing it" I replied standing up
"No no Sam you're going it" Sean said getting up
"No Sean I don't wanna leave you and the lodge" I said
"You're not" he said
"I don't know Sean I gotta think about it" I said leaving

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