02 | Who?

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Chapter Two

Liam and I were all sweaty from lacrosse practice, still remaining in our jerseys, when Mason ran over to us. "Hey, guys. Wait up." Mason calls out after Liam and I.

The two of us spin around to face him, where he proudly holds out the compass. "I fixed it."

The compass was covered in tape, clearly showing off the cracks through the glass.

"Uh, perfect! Looks brand new." Liam attempted to reassure him.

I, on the other hand, let out a laugh I could no longer hold in. "He's going to notice." I affirmed.

"Nah, he'll never notice. We'll just put the compass back and figure out a way to help Scott." Mason avowed, rubbing the compass on his shirt.

"Gimme that..." I muttered, snatching the compass from his grasp.

"Hey- it took me forever to tape that thing up." Mason whined,

"I'm the one that dropped it...besides this'll only take a second." I smiled up at him, before I enclosed the compass in both of my hands. I closed my eyes, muttering a nearly inaudible incantation before my eyes shot open and I let out a small gasp.

I slowly opened my hands, revealing the compass, looking as through it were brand new.

"Damn, girl's got some real power.." Mason chuckled, accepting the compass back from me, before Liam's face fell.

"Uh- Liz.." Liam mumbled, pointing to his nose.

I let out a cough, wiping my bloody nose. "Right. So, back to the task at hand."

"We're leaving this to Scott." I stated.

"What? We can't leave it all to him." Liam pointed out.

"Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I've known him almost my entire life, he's tough enough to handle this. Besides, he's the Alpha.."

"Not for long." Liam blurted.

A smile formed across my face, "Oh yeah? And who's gonna take his place?"

"You don't think I could be the Alpha?" Liam stuttered.

My mouth fell open, "Oh- no, no! I wasn't saying that- It's just, magnetic anomalies and cowboys on horseback erasing people from existence? I'd kind of prefer to sit this one out." I admitted.

"Well, we can't just 'sit this one out'." Mason acknowledged.

"Then what's gonna happen when Scott graduates? When there's no one here to figure things out? I know I'm not exactly the brains of the group.." I addressed, with a concerned look.

"I can be the..um.." Liam stutters. "I can be the Alph-"

"He can be the Alpha." Mason finishes.

"Yeah." Liam nods in confirmation.

I sigh, sharing a look with Mason until our eyes land on Liam. "What is it?" I caution, taking note of his questionable expression.

"It's blood." Liam pauses.

I don't say a word before I take off running, looking down every hallway and crevice of the school.

"I don't see a source." I stop in my tracks to regain my breath as Liam and Mason catch up from behind.

"It smells like it's coming from everywhere." Liam sniffs the air,

"How is that possible?" Mason questions.

"Maybe it's coming from more than one place." I propose.

"In more than one piece." Liam concludes, causing my throat to tighten.

"Wait- if it's in the air, could it be coming out of the vents?" Mason proposes, and the three of us look up at the air-duct.

I take in another breath, looking down at the floor as I came to the realization. "We have to get to the Boiler Room."

Mason and Liam gave each other a look, nodding, before we took off, racing through the halls of Beacon Hills High School.

We were all out of breath by the time we made it to the exterior entrance to the boiler room.

"Stand back." Liam warned, as he backed up to get a running start.

I rose my eyebrows at Mason, who just shrugged in response. I twisted my hand at the doorknob, unlocking it. I then extended my arm, flicking it to the side, causing the door to swing open just as Liam let out a rage-scream. He charged towards the now-open door, racing inside, only to crash into various shelving.

Mason and I walked into the dark-entrance, closing the door behind us.

"This place gives me the creeps." I hissed as I stayed glued to Liam's side, my hands wrapped around his arm.

"I second that." Mason added, using the flashlight from his phone to guide us along.

We continued walking down between the large boiler's until we made our way through a narrow hallway, nearing a single door at the end. All of us gulped in fear as Liam's hand slowly reached for the door-handle.

"Oh, just hurry up. Like a bandaid." I wined, leaving one of my hands clung to Liam's arm, and the other spread across my eyes.

Liam swiftly opened the door, to reveal a body with his skull bashed in. The body fell out of the closet, collapsing to the floor in front of us, causing me to let out a shriek.

Liam, Mason, and I all remained stunned in shock and fear as we made our way out of the boiler room.

"Yeah, I'm scarred for life. For sure." I breathed, as Liam gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as Mason continued onward before someone ran out in front of him.

"Mason, hey, where's Liam?" the boy frantically spoke. "Liam? Okay, there you go. Liam, Liz, perfect."

The boy put his hand out, stopping us from moving forward. "You two, you two have to listen to me right now. Alex is gone, just like his parents, okay? The Ghost Riders took him, so you guys, you can't be alone. You got to stick with Scott or with me because I can see them."

Liam and I held confused and concerned looks, "Why the hell are you lookin' at me like that?"

I sighed, turning to Liam and Mason. "Who the hell is he?"

"Beats me.." Liam shrugged.

"I don't even know if he goes here." Mason added, before I noticed the look on the boys face.

"Oh- I'm sorry. We didn't mean to come off on the wrong foot, but uhm...do you even go to this school?" I badgered, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Liz, you're kidding, right? I've practically known you since you were in diapers." the boy assured.

My face contorted in disgust, as did Liam's. "Okay, what's your name?" Liam questioned.

Before the boy answered, he pushed his way past us, headed straight for the Sheriff.

"You've gotta be kidding me, now he's gonna harass the Sheriff? God, I feel bad for Eichen house escapees." I scoffed, causing Liam to nod before he gripped my hand tighter, and we began to walk down the hallway.




Until the next chapter, goodbye ;(

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