Chapter Twelve: Preparation

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A messenger entered the large room where Arthur stood with a group of friends and advisers. He bowed in greeting to the young king, and hesitated slightly.

King Bors noticed him first, and gestured him forward to where is brother – Ban – Arthur and Merlin stood.

"Speak what you will," Bors said, and the messenger nodded. He turned to Arthur, and bowed again.

"King Rience has heard that you are coming, King Arthur," he said. "And tell you that he shall defeat you and add your beard to the mantle on his robe."

"Well, what do you say to that?" Bors asked, a slight twinkle in his eyes. Arthur rubbed his chin, and smiled slightly.

"I say that if he wants my beard, he shall have to wait a few more years to kill me. But tell him this, we will come nonetheless."

Merlin nodded approve from beside Arthur.

"King Leodegrance will make a good ally," he commented. Ban turned to him and nodded.

"Aye, that is why we shall rescue him," he said. "Now, send that messenger back to his master, we have no need for him. What say you Arthur, a siege?"

The young man frowned, turning back to the map laid out in front of them. He bent to the task of planning a war – his third in the short time he had been king. But this time he would gain more than victory – he would meet the young woman he would grow to love. The young woman who would betray him. But the young king did not know it at the time, he did not know anything but that he wished there was piece – he had seen far too much death and war for his eighteen years.

The trip back was uneventful. Everyone was filled with their own thoughts, so it was a very quiet trip. Arriving back in London, they passed the checkpoint with no trouble, and soon passed through the city centre again, eager to return to Mattimaio's side.

The part of town they lived in was very quiet. No one was out, and only a stay cat hissed at them as they drove into the driveway by the house.

Katrina checked her phone, and soon reported that Mattimaio and the rest of the Underground were meeting in their usual spot – a small abandoned garage beside the Themes.

Without getting out of the car, Callum backed it out of the driveway and towards the river, while Katrina handed out snacks.

The river flowed passed, as dirty as always, and there seemed no sign of life around the garage.

Jumping out of the car, Maria slammed the door behind her. Katrina immediately opened it and climbed out.

"Nearly got my fingers," she commented.

"Sorry," Maria said, ducking her head slightly. Katrina rolled her eyes and they moved towards the small garage, Arthur and Lance joining them from the other side.

The murmur of conversation came from inside the garage as they neared it. Maria laid a hand on the side door and pushed it open.

They weren't noticed at first, everyone was talking over each other and trying to be heard. Mattimaio stood at the end of the garage, under one of those car lifter uppy things while the others sat or stood around the large room.

Finally, the conversation died as they turned to see who had entered. Muttered swept the gathering, and Mattimaio crossed his arms.

"How pleasant to see you again," he said sarcastically. "After you let on a missions that I had forbidden."

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