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Interview with someone who made me the best cover for my book Erebus Tenebrae! Many thanks!!


Name: Lee Davis

Username: chocobonanza

Meaning behind the username: I'm obsessed with Final Fantasy! Love Chocobos! Got bored of ldd123 so decided to change to chocobonanza - its Chocobo Bonanza, but smooshed!

1.      When did you start writing and why?

I've written for as long as I can remember... Always loved writing stories! Poems too! I've even dabbled in songs, though they weren't so brill... The first time I realised I wasn't half bad was in year 7 at school (I was 11) when I had to read out my poem 'Monster In the Cupboard' [find it in Loose Pages] and everyone clapped and cheered for me!

2.      What's your favorite genre to write?

I'm not sure I have one... I prefer horror, humour and fantasy over all others though. I always seem to drift into a little comedy, it's just how I am!

3.      What inspires you to write?

Erm... Well I enjoy reading, and would love to be able to give that enjoyment to others through my own writing. Mostly, I get an idea, tell someone, and if the reaction is good I'll write it!

4.      How many books have you written, if any and if not, have you written short stories or poetry?

Therein lies my problem - I have NEVER finished a story! Apart from my short stories like in Phobophobia, Little Angel, Alone etc, and the poems in Loose Pages.

5.      Do you read, write or both?

Both, though not as often as I'd like to...

6.      Name your favorite authors(not on wattpad)

Dean Koontz - LOVE HIM!! Quite like James Herbert too, though his can get a little absurd at times (i.e. The Magic Cottage)... Love horror/supernatural thrillers! Though I could never get into Stephen King.

7.      Name some authors you like on Wattpad and their book you like.

leigh_ 'Musically Gifted? Well, I Used To Play The Recorder' - HILARIOUS!!

kimberleyann 'Crazy in Love' - HILAAARIOUS!

xxWhoAteMyCookiexx 'High School Scandal' - EPIC!!

8.      Do you listen to music when you write?

Sometimes... It depends on the situation. If I'm having a mental block, I'll listen to my favourite songs and try take inspiration from them if possible. If I'm managing to write, but slowly, I may play a Final Fantasy soundtrack - something quiet and peaceful - to help the flow.

9.      When you get writer's block how do you overcome it?

Like I said before, peaceful/orchestral music helps. I may also go for a walk and think. Having a bath helps sometimes, I do a lot of thinking in the bath... Or I'll just read and re-read and re-re-read the chapter/story until something comes to me. If all that fails, I give up and pig out and watch a DVD instead!!

10.  Who are some of your friends on wattpad?

Well, kimberleyann is my BFF in real life, but I think my best pure-Watty friend has to be EmmaWilliams66. She's really funny and we have a lot in common, and she always gives me honest (and mostly positive) feedback on my work! She's amazing!

11.   Do you have a favorite character you created?

I quite like Dirk from Defiance... I also like Seb from The Unknown...

12.   Do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

Hmmm... Well, just keep up your support - it means the world! I WILL finish a story one day!! Also, check out my newest upload The Dragon Realms: Cyriad - the first in a series (if it's worth continuing)! And pleeeeeeeeeeeeease give helpful feedback! None of that "Yay! It was amazing!" lark - tell me WHY, WHAT was good, WHAT was bad etc!

13.  Who is your role model?

Well, I've never actually thought about this... I don't think I have one to be honest! I just try to be the best person I can be - be kind, be generous, be honest, be... Everything I can for everyone I love!

Fun Q's

14.  Who is your favorite band?


15.  What are some of your favorite television shows?

Sooo many!! To name a few; Merlin, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Buffy, Angel, Xena, Being Human, The Fades, Tru Calling, Dollhouse.. Brain has now imploded...

16.  What is your favorite movie?

Ooooh... For a LONG time it was The Grudge... I just LOVE horrors!

17.  Do you want to give any advice to writers out there?

I don't think I'm qualified hahaha 

*Just write what you know, what you love, but don't be scared to experiment. 

*Thinking of a new concept? Jot it all down, piece it together then write - if something works well, develop it! If something doesn't work, scrap or re-vamp it! 

*If you're clueless, show someone you trust and ask them for honest feedback. 

*Take all criticism on board - people don't tell you to be mean, they're trying to help! I know some people can seem to ATTACK you with criticism, but the aggression is their problem, not yours.

*If you ever need to chat, ask a question, get some feedback on an idea - I'm here for you!

18.  Any other comments?

Not really... Just... Thank you for my first EVER Watty-Interview!! Hope I did okay! haha


Thank you! and you did great lol

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